All social programs in Davos

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10 Results found
  • Airboard Funtour Davos

    Winter and fun just as it should be… A silent, snow-covered natural landscape, spectacular views over the Graubünden mountains, a speedy descent in prone position and a delicious alpine herb fondue in our mountain restaurant – all this awaits you at our fun snowshoe and airboard event, 2,485 metres above sea level.
    Find out more about: + Airboard Funtour Davos
  • Davos Färich Adventure Park

    This suspension rope and bike park is located on the Flüela Pass, right by the “Stilli” bus stop. Enjoy extraordinary thrills and spills on five courses with varying levels of difficulty. The children’s course perfectly tailored to younger visitors.
    Find out more about: + Davos Färich Adventure Park
  • Hire your own ski resort

    Exclusive skiing in Madrisa! End of March / beginning of April - you can hire the Madrisa ski resort on a daily basis for exclusive skiing by corporate and private groups. Invite friends, business partners and customers to enjoy a unique skiing experience along with a fine meal in Madrisa.
    Find out more about: + Hire your own ski resort
  • "Kurz krampfa, lang laufa" in Davos Klosters

    Cross-country skiing and working as a team can be beautifully combined in Davos Klosters: “Kurz krampfa, lang laufa” (work hard, ski harder!) is the name of the service offered to companies wanting to host a special team event with their employees.
    Find out more about: + "Kurz krampfa, lang laufa" in Davos Klosters
  • Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research

    The Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research Weissfluhjoch/Davos reports ..." During the winter months this report is broadcast daily on the radio and television or published in newspapers, on the Internet or by telephone. Approximately half a million enquiries and phone calls are registered every winter.
    Find out more about: + Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research
  • Davos Klosters - First Ski experience

    Davos Klosters in Switzerland is the pioneer in winter tourism since 1864/65 and has a long history and competence in winter sports. Enjoy first steps in the snow and learn how to ski in the birthplace of winter sports.
    Find out more about: + Davos Klosters - First Ski experience