All social programs in Interlaken

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6 Results found
  • Volunteering in the Diemtigtal Nature Park

    The Swiss parks organise regular volunteering outings with companies that wish to do something for the environment with their employees. Fresh air is good for everyone – the company recovers motivated and enthusiastic co-workers that get together for a good cause, laugh, enjoy themselves and, at night, will fall straight asleep with a clear conscience.
    Find out more about: + Volunteering in the Diemtigtal Nature Park
  • Trauffer Factory Tour

    Not only a look, but a few steps behind the scenes brings you the factory tour through the children's dream factory. For groups, we offer a guided tour of the production facility. Watch how the original animals of Trauffer Wooden Toys AG are produced and be amazed at how much handicraft tradition and sustainability is actually in these figures!
    Find out more about: + Trauffer Factory Tour
  • Glyssibach Guided tour

    The last time the Glyssibach River in Brienz hit the headlines was in 2005. Since then, new protective structural measures have been put in place at various points along the river. The themed trail explains how the man-made interventions work and offers an insight into exciting facts about the Glyissibach River.
    Find out more about: + Glyssibach Guided tour
  • Trauffer - private carving and painting courses

    To the carving knives, ready, go! Would you like to learn how to carve the iconic Trauffer wooden cow yourself? Attach the horns, ears and bell and even paint on the funny spots yourself? Our experienced carvers and painters will be happy to teach you all this. Groups of 15 or more can book this unique event at Trauffer Erlebniswelt.
    Find out more about: + Trauffer - private carving and painting courses