Altes Tramdepot Bern Find out more about: Altes Tramdepot Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Bergrestaurant Wasserngrat Gstaad Find out more about: Bergrestaurant Wasserngrat Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Schwellenmätteli Restaurants Bern Find out more about: Schwellenmätteli Restaurants Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Altes Tramdepot The ambience of the restaurant in the former streetcar hall is unique. Experience how beer is brewed several times a week in the middle of the restaurant. Enjoy the wonderful view on our terrace and in the beer garden. Find out more about: + Altes Tramdepot
Bergrestaurant Wasserngrat The summit of pleasure offers not only a breathtaking view of 1920 m.a.s.l. but also the unique event location for your employees, your friends and your family. Find out more about: + Bergrestaurant Wasserngrat