
  • Hint

    Bern Region
  • Opening Hours

    Daily 11:00 - 00:30
  • Contact

    Altes Tramdepot
    Grosser Muristalden 6
    3006 Bern
    Phone  +41 (0)31 368 14 15


The ambience of the restaurant in the former streetcar hall is unique. Experience how beer is brewed several times a week in the middle of the restaurant. Enjoy the wonderful view on our terrace and in the beer garden.

Information (main title)

Meeting restaurant St net title : Venue

The restaurant has fantastic views of the old town of Bern and is located right next to the Bärengraben (Bear Pits). The Tram beer is brewed from hops and malt right in front of the guests in the copper brewery in the middle of the restaurant. The banquet hall on the first floor as well as the other areas of the restaurant are ideal for any type of event.

Description Title !

The ambience of the restaurant in the former streetcar hall is unique. Experience how beer is brewed several times a week in the middle of the restaurant. Enjoy the wonderful view on our terrace and in the beer garden. Treat yourself to a delicious Tram beer with a tasty dish from our varied menu.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.

Restaurant facilities

  • Wheelchair-accessible
  • Terrace
  • Banquet on demand


Altes Tramdepot
Grosser Muristalden 6
3006  Bern

Phone  +41 (0)31 368 14 15

Opening Hours

Daily 11:00 - 00:30

Conference rooms

1st floor room

Concert 80
Seminar 40
Banquet 90
Room height
Area 120 m2
  • Free Wi-Fi available
  • Microphone on request
  • Projection facilities available
  • Simultaneous translation equipment on request
Room picture
Seminar package without overnight stay 54 CHF
3 course dinner 43 CHF



Altes Tramdepot
Grosser Muristalden 6
3006 Bern
Phone  +41 (0)31 368 14 15

Opening Hours

Daily 11:00 - 00:30

Travel information: Bern