Urban Biel Biel Find out more about: Urban Biel Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Guided tour of Biel's old town Biel Find out more about: Guided tour of Biel's old town Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Tissot Arena - Tour Biel Find out more about: Tissot Arena - Tour Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Urban Biel Take an original look at urban life, the economy and the way in which town and country coexist in Biel. Find out more about: + Urban Biel
Guided tour of Biel's old town Immerse yourself in the magical atmosphere of the Old Town and discover the history of Biel-Bienne and the important places in the Old Town. Find out more about: + Guided tour of Biel's old town
Tissot Arena - Tour Go behind the scenes of this multi-purpose centre dedicated to events, sport, culture and business. Find out more about: + Tissot Arena - Tour