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6 Results found

6 Results found

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6 Results found
  • Airboard Funtour Davos

    Winter and fun just as it should be… A silent, snow-covered natural landscape, spectacular views over the Graubünden mountains, a speedy descent in prone position and a delicious alpine herb fondue in our mountain restaurant – all this awaits you at our fun snowshoe and airboard event, 2,485 metres above sea level.
    Find out more about: + Airboard Funtour Davos
  • Hire your own ski resort

    Exclusive skiing in Madrisa! End of March / beginning of April - you can hire the Madrisa ski resort on a daily basis for exclusive skiing by corporate and private groups. Invite friends, business partners and customers to enjoy a unique skiing experience along with a fine meal in Madrisa.
    Find out more about: + Hire your own ski resort
  • "Kurz krampfa, lang laufa" in Davos Klosters

    Cross-country skiing and working as a team can be beautifully combined in Davos Klosters: “Kurz krampfa, lang laufa” (work hard, ski harder!) is the name of the service offered to companies wanting to host a special team event with their employees.
    Find out more about: + "Kurz krampfa, lang laufa" in Davos Klosters
  • Davos Klosters - First Ski experience

    Davos Klosters in Switzerland is the pioneer in winter tourism since 1864/65 and has a long history and competence in winter sports. Enjoy first steps in the snow and learn how to ski in the birthplace of winter sports.
    Find out more about: + Davos Klosters - First Ski experience