All social programs in Pontresina

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10 Results found
  • Diavolezza

    An impressive view from Piz Palü across the Bellavista to Piz Bernina. Six kilometres before the Bernina Pass, the cable car climbs up on the right to this glacier viewpoint at almost 3,000 metres above sea level.
    Find out more about: + Diavolezza
  • Morteratsch Alpine cheese dairy

    60 years after the last cheese left the Alpine peak of Nova, the Alpine Dairy in Pontresina is producing once again cheese in the traditional way on this idyllic mountain. The Alpschaukäserei (cheese factory), with its stunning views of the Bernina Massif, is situated not far from the Morteratsch Glacier. Watch the cheesemaker at work as you sample his handiwork with your brunch or Zvieri (afternoon snack). The Sennerei Pontresina cheese dairy's Glacier Fondue counts as an insider's tip. Purchase their products in summer or winter.
    Find out more about: + Morteratsch Alpine cheese dairy
  • "Kurz krampfa, lang laufa" in Pontresina

    Cross-country skiing and working as a team can be beautifully combined in Pontresina: “Kurz krampfa, lang laufa” (work hard, ski harder!) is the name of the service offered to companies wanting to host a special team event with their employees.
    Find out more about: + "Kurz krampfa, lang laufa" in Pontresina
  • "Kurz krampfa, lang laufa" in Pontresina - Hotel S

    Cross-country skiing and working as a team can be beautifully combined in Pontresina: “Kurz krampfa, lang laufa” (work hard, ski harder!) is the name of the service offered to companies wanting to host a special team event with their employees.
    Find out more about: + "Kurz krampfa, lang laufa" in Pontresina - Hotel S
  • Virtual Reality Glacier Experience

    The Virtual Reality Glacier Experience visitor centre at the Diavolezza valley station in Pontresina teaches visitors about the connections between climate change, glacier development and water balance.
    Find out more about: + Virtual Reality Glacier Experience