All social programs in Zurich

8 Results found

8 Results found

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8 Results found
  • Dragonboatevents

    As organisers of corporate and team building events on the dragon boat, we offer our guests a dynamic group experience in which they learn to coordinate with each other to achieve successes together. We carry out our events on all still or calmly flowing waters throughout Switzerland.
    Find out more about: + Dragonboatevents
  • Criminal Zurich

    Gripping storytelling of crimes at their original locations. We hike to crime scenes to recount true stories. True Crime, told live and in context. We know how to bring history to life.
    Find out more about: + Criminal Zurich
  • Meat the Green

    The pros at the Hiltl Academy show you the many ways in which tofu, seitan, planted. and other meat alternatives can be used. Learn which cooking methods work best for which alternative as well as what’s new on the market.
    Find out more about: + Meat the Green
  • Urban bees on Zurichs rooftops

    Participants encounter first-hand the bees of urban apiary Wabe3 on a roof in Zurich. At this event they can sense the life of honeybees, taste the honey from the city and round it up with a the wonderful view of the city.
    Find out more about: + Urban bees on Zurichs rooftops