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9 Results found
  • Arenenberg Castle and the Napoleonic Museum

    Perched high above Lake Constance and nestled in large parklands, this elegantly furnished castle was once the residence of the last emperor of France. In what is now the Napoleonic Museum, the original furnishings have been preserved, and the palace gardens have recently been restored.
    Find out more about: + Arenenberg Castle and the Napoleonic Museum
  • Zug Castle Museum

    On the edge of the old town, Zug Castle is the oldest still preserved profane building in Zug and is a landmark of the city. With its many nooks and crannies, Zug Castle has been home to the museum of cultural history for the city and the Canton of Zug since 1983.
    Find out more about: + Zug Castle Museum
  • Basel Historical Museum – Musikmuseum

    The Basel Historical Museum with its three sites is widely regarded as the most important museum of cultural history on the Upper Rhine. It collects, conserves, records and researches objects and artefacts of relevance to our cultural heritage for future generations, tells visitors the story of Basel, and is a place for discourse and engagement with both present and future.
    Find out more about: + Basel Historical Museum – Musikmuseum
  • Maienfeld – Heidi's World

    Maienfeld in the distinctive Bündner Herrschaft region of Graubünden inspired the poetess Johanna Spyri to write her novel Heidi. In the Heidi village, the story of this cheerful, nature-loving little orphan girl comes to life at the original locales of the story.
    Find out more about: + Maienfeld – Heidi's World