
High up on the «Stählibuck» mountain of Frauenfeld a steel giant of the same name is keeping watch: the Stählibuck Tower. With a height of 27 meters, it is a challenge for anybody who attempts to climb its 148 stairs.

The reward for the trouble is a fantastic panoramic view, starting in the east with the Voralberg and all the way to the Bernese Alps in the west. And if you are hungry after the long climb, there will be lovely grilling places at the bottom of the tower. The Stählibuck Tower is one of the oldest lattice towers in Switzerland. The over 100-year-old Stählibuck Tower is one of the oldest steel lattice towers in Switzerland and was even used as a watch tower for airplanes during World War II.


General information

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Time required
2 to 4 hours (half day)
Suitable for children with age
6 to 9 years, 10 to 13 years, 14+ years
Suitable for
Groups, Individual, Couples
Urban, Nature, Active



Eastern Switzerland / Liechtenstein

Travel information: Frauenfeld