Hirschen Wald - Gasthaus & Bäckerei Wald AR Find out more about: Hirschen Wald - Gasthaus & Bäckerei Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
IN LAIN Hotel Cadonau: La Stüvetta Brail Find out more about: IN LAIN Hotel Cadonau: La Stüvetta Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Restaurant Hirschen Oberägeri Find out more about: Restaurant Hirschen Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Landgasthof Adler Muotathal Find out more about: Landgasthof Adler Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Restaurant Schnabel Basel Find out more about: Restaurant Schnabel Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Capanna Gorda Aquila Find out more about: Capanna Gorda Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Hotel-Restaurant Bellevue San Bernardino Find out more about: Hotel-Restaurant Bellevue Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Restaurant iwaz Clubhaus Wetzikon Find out more about: Restaurant iwaz Clubhaus Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Firehouse - Restaurant, Bar, Events Weinfelden Find out more about: Firehouse - Restaurant, Bar, Events Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Restaurant Scheitlinsbüchel St. Gallen Find out more about: Restaurant Scheitlinsbüchel Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Hotel Post Glarnerhof: Glärnisch Saal Glarus Find out more about: Hotel Post Glarnerhof: Glärnisch Saal Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
JUCKERs Boutique-Hotel: Restaurant Linde Tägerwilen Find out more about: JUCKERs Boutique-Hotel: Restaurant Linde Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Berghaus Planalp Brienz Find out more about: Berghaus Planalp Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Gletschertisch Bettmeralp Find out more about: Gletschertisch Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Restaurant Chesa Grischa Sils i.E. Find out more about: Restaurant Chesa Grischa Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Restaurant Waldegg Brünig Find out more about: Restaurant Waldegg Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Restaurant Chemihütte Aeschi BE Find out more about: Restaurant Chemihütte Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Restaurant Battenberg Biel Find out more about: Restaurant Battenberg Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Restaurant Eidgenossen Linthal Find out more about: Restaurant Eidgenossen Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Restaurant Höllgrotten Baar Find out more about: Restaurant Höllgrotten Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Prätschli Alpine Spa Hotel: Prätschli Stall Arosa Find out more about: Prätschli Alpine Spa Hotel: Prätschli Stall Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Ristorante Pizzeria Rialto Thun Find out more about: Ristorante Pizzeria Rialto Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Gast und Hof Spittel: Hofbeizli Langenbruck Find out more about: Gast und Hof Spittel: Hofbeizli Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Restaurant Tramhüsli Emmenbrücke Find out more about: Restaurant Tramhüsli Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Bergerie d'Eschert Eschert Find out more about: Bergerie d'Eschert Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Restaurant Waldheim Laax Laax Find out more about: Restaurant Waldheim Laax Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Restaurant Schürhof Wangen-Brüttisellen Find out more about: Restaurant Schürhof Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Zunfthaus zur Rebleuten Chur Find out more about: Zunfthaus zur Rebleuten Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Restaurant Freihof Embrach Find out more about: Restaurant Freihof Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
No18 Restaurant | Bar & Smoker-Lounge Winterthur Find out more about: No18 Restaurant | Bar & Smoker-Lounge Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Hotel Landgasthof Hasenstrick Dürnten Find out more about: Hotel Landgasthof Hasenstrick Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Gasthaus St. Meinrad Egg SZ Find out more about: Gasthaus St. Meinrad Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Hotel Café Mozart Rorschach Rorschach Find out more about: Hotel Café Mozart Rorschach Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Centre de vacances Renan Find out more about: Centre de vacances Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Landgasthof Aachbrüggli Erlen Find out more about: Landgasthof Aachbrüggli Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Hirschen Wald - Gasthaus & Bäckerei A cozy dinner - A Sunday outing - A convivial celebration - A banquet Find out more about: + Hirschen Wald - Gasthaus & Bäckerei
IN LAIN Hotel Cadonau: La Stüvetta Choose your favorite dish from the menu. Find out more about: + IN LAIN Hotel Cadonau: La Stüvetta
Restaurant Hirschen Almost everything that is charmingly and skillfully served in the dignified restaurant, in the cosy pub or on the sun-drenched terrace is prepared by chef and patron Daniel Kühne's team in the ultra-modern kitchen. Find out more about: + Restaurant Hirschen
Landgasthof Adler We don't philosophize, we cook fresh, seasonal and regional food. Find out more about: + Landgasthof Adler
Restaurant Schnabel Restaurant Schnabel is one of the most traditional and oldest restaurants in the city of Basel. It is located in the heart of the old town between Rümelinsplatz and Spalenberg. Find out more about: + Restaurant Schnabel
Capanna Gorda The Hut is open year-round and guarded daily in the summer months from June to September, in the winter period during weekends and school vacations. Find out more about: + Capanna Gorda
Hotel-Restaurant Bellevue Let us spoil you in our restaurant or relax at the bar! Find out more about: + Hotel-Restaurant Bellevue
Restaurant iwaz Clubhaus Let yourself be spoiled by our creative cuisine with seasonal offers from market-fresh products. Find out more about: + Restaurant iwaz Clubhaus
Firehouse - Restaurant, Bar, Events Welcome to the Firehouse Weinfelden. Find out more about: + Firehouse - Restaurant, Bar, Events
Restaurant Scheitlinsbüchel Numerous hiking and walking trails lead from St.Gallen to the wonderful sun terrace of the Scheitlinsbüchel. High above the city, you will find peace and relaxation. Let the view wander - from the Fürstenland to Lake Constance. Find out more about: + Restaurant Scheitlinsbüchel
Hotel Post Glarnerhof: Glärnisch Saal The Glärnisch Saal offers space for groups of up to 120 people and presents itself as a versatile room that provides both round and square tables for your event. Find out more about: + Hotel Post Glarnerhof: Glärnisch Saal
JUCKERs Boutique-Hotel: Restaurant Linde Thomas Jucker and our kitchen team will spoil you with honest dishes made from the best ingredients. Find out more about: + JUCKERs Boutique-Hotel: Restaurant Linde
Berghaus Planalp Would you like to be where your thoughts are right now? - Then PLAN your ALP AUSZEIT at Berghaus Planalp. Away from mass tourism, transported back to the good old days, enjoy peace and mountain comfort. Find out more about: + Berghaus Planalp
Gletschertisch The Gletschertisch Restaurant brings a breath of fresh air to Bettmeralp, 2000 meters above sea level, and opens the door to vegetarian/vegan cuisine. In addition, our guests are surprised every day with freshly baked delicacies. Find out more about: + Gletschertisch
Restaurant Chesa Grischa Bainvgnieu to the Chesa Grischa restaurant with garden dining Find out more about: + Restaurant Chesa Grischa
Restaurant Waldegg In our cosy restaurant you can enjoy an aperitif, a cool beer or a good glass of wine. In addition, we are happy to serve smaller and larger delicacies. Find out more about: + Restaurant Waldegg
Restaurant Chemihütte The Chemihütte is known for its home-style cooking for young and old. Find out more about: + Restaurant Chemihütte
Restaurant Battenberg Delicious, healthy, seasonal, inexpensive, social and homemade. Find out more about: + Restaurant Battenberg
Restaurant Eidgenossen Restaurant Eidgenossen is the meeting place for young and old with Swiss, home-style, regional cuisine. Find out more about: + Restaurant Eidgenossen
Restaurant Höllgrotten Combine your visit to the caves with a detour to the Höllgrotten forest restaurant. An idyllic garden restaurant awaits you and the refined cuisine will also enrich your visit to the Höllgrotten in culinary terms. Find out more about: + Restaurant Höllgrotten
Prätschli Alpine Spa Hotel: Prätschli Stall Culinary flights of fancy high above Arosa Find out more about: + Prätschli Alpine Spa Hotel: Prätschli Stall
Ristorante Pizzeria Rialto In the heart of Thun, experience Italian ambience and hospitality. Find out more about: + Ristorante Pizzeria Rialto
Gast und Hof Spittel: Hofbeizli In our cozy Hofbeizli we welcome you warmly, be it for a club outing, a family celebration or as an individual guest. The beautiful hiking area and the many leisure activities in the immediate vicinity invite you to stay. Find out more about: + Gast und Hof Spittel: Hofbeizli
Restaurant Tramhüsli The Tramhüsli offers space for culinary delights and more. Find out more about: + Restaurant Tramhüsli
Bergerie d'Eschert Mountain restaurant located on the mountain of Graitery. Find out more about: + Bergerie d'Eschert
Restaurant Waldheim Laax In the Waldheim Laax you can enjoy aperitifs, fondue evenings or simply your own event. One of the last authentic guest lounges in the region. "Enter in peace and forget your worries" Find out more about: + Restaurant Waldheim Laax
Restaurant Schürhof Home-style Swiss delicacies in the center of Wangen Find out more about: + Restaurant Schürhof
Zunfthaus zur Rebleuten According to the motto "aifach, ehrlich und guat" you will find delicious & light dishes on our menu. Find out more about: + Zunfthaus zur Rebleuten
Restaurant Freihof The classic village pub for everyone / woman. Find out more about: + Restaurant Freihof
No18 Restaurant | Bar & Smoker-Lounge We focus on honest and direct cuisine with a personal touch, where the emphasis is on taste rather than garnish. With seasonal fresh products from regional suppliers, we conjure up forgotten dishes for you. Find out more about: + No18 Restaurant | Bar & Smoker-Lounge
Wanghof Dairy farming, young cattle breeding, high trunk fruit, forest, direct marketing, fattened calves, distillery, catering Find out more about: + Wanghof
Hotel Landgasthof Hasenstrick Landgasthof Hasenstrick - the well-known and popular excursion destination in the Zurich Oberland for the whole family. Find out more about: + Hotel Landgasthof Hasenstrick
Gasthaus St. Meinrad Our cuisine is authentic and genuine - with a lot of craftsmanship: seasonal ingredients from partners in the region are just as important as surprising and sometimes exotic ingredients that give our dishes a modern touch with time-honored flair. Find out more about: + Gasthaus St. Meinrad
Hotel Café Mozart Rorschach Daily freshly prepared menus of the day, freshly caught Lake Constance fish, meatless menus, fine Viennese desserts, homemade cakes and delicious drinks Find out more about: + Hotel Café Mozart Rorschach
Centre de vacances Quiet countryside location, ideal for families. Find out more about: + Centre de vacances
Landgasthof Aachbrüggli Seasonal delicacies made from fresh, regional products Find out more about: + Landgasthof Aachbrüggli