Restaurants for groups

3 Results found

3 Results found

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3 Results found
  • Anita's Events

    The perfect meeting place, a pop-up playground during the day and an event venue in the evening. Our focus is on respect & sustainability.
    Find out more about: + Anita's Events
  • Gletschertisch

    The Gletschertisch Restaurant brings a breath of fresh air to Bettmeralp, 2000 meters above sea level, and opens the door to vegetarian/vegan cuisine. In addition, our guests are surprised every day with freshly baked delicacies.
    Find out more about: + Gletschertisch
  • Restaurant Lemon

    In the Lemon restaurant we serve you our imaginative culinary delights. Market-fresh products, homemade burgers, a variety of salad creations and delicious desserts.
    Find out more about: + Restaurant Lemon