Hotels in Basel

2 Results found

2 Results found

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  • Basel Der Teufelhof Basel 3 Stars

    Find out more about: Der Teufelhof Basel
  • Basel Airport Hotel Basel 3 Stars

    Find out more about: Airport Hotel Basel
2 Results found
  • Der Teufelhof Basel

    A whole world of experiences: the hotel and cultural centre Der Teufelhof Basel is in the heart of the Old Town. In a number of historic buildings, all linked together, visitors will find an amazing array of services: the Kunsthotel, Galeriehotel, gourmet restaurant Bel Etage, restaurant Atelier, café, bar, theatre and wine shop together offer a unique voyage of discovery through the worlds of gastronomy and art. And most of Basel's 38 museums and many galleries are just around the corner.
    Find out more about: + Der Teufelhof Basel