Restaurants for groups

5 Results found

5 Results found

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5 Results found
  • Restaurant Säntisgipfel

    At the summit, 2502 m above sea level, the freedom is unlimited. The culinary and cultural possibilities are just as limitless. Experience the unique panorama with views over 6 countries, the Alps and Lake Constance.
    Find out more about: + Restaurant Säntisgipfel
  • Gast und Hof Spittel: Hofbeizli

    In our cozy Hofbeizli we welcome you warmly, be it for a club outing, a family celebration or as an individual guest. The beautiful hiking area and the many leisure activities in the immediate vicinity invite you to stay.
    Find out more about: + Gast und Hof Spittel: Hofbeizli
  • Berghaus Planalp

    Would you like to be where your thoughts are right now? - Then PLAN your ALP AUSZEIT at Berghaus Planalp. Away from mass tourism, transported back to the good old days, enjoy peace and mountain comfort.
    Find out more about: + Berghaus Planalp