
Have you ever wondered how a watch is made? Or what the parts that bring life to these precious timepieces look like?

The «Les Apprentis du Temps» workshop offers you the unique opportunity to assemble your own mechanical watch, and opens its doors to introduce you to this precious know-how. At the heart of the watchmaking town of Le Locle, sitting at a workbench and wearing a watchmaker's coat, you will discover the fascinating world of watchmaking, its challenges and the meticulousness that this industry requires. During a 4-hour training, the workshop instructor will show you how to assemble the parts of your future watch, and help you each step of the way. You will learn the basic operations of watchmaking, using various components that you'll have chosen prior to the workshop (dial colour, wristlet, case, hands, etc.).
The Watchmaking town planning of La Chaux-de-Fonds and Le Locle was recognized by Unesco in June 2009 for its exceptional universal value. Architecture that values light, an urban structure that facilitates transport: La Chaux-de-Fonds and Le Locle are the result of innovative town planning in the service of a booming industry. The buildings tell the story of how watchmaking evolved from a craft into an industry – and show how this activity was integrated into the development of the urban landscape.

General information

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All year
Time required
2 to 4 hours (half day)
Suitable for
Groups, Individual, Couples

Group & pricing information

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French, English, Italian
Group Size
1 - 6


Tourisme neuchâtelois - Montagnes
Le Col 23
2400  Le Locle

Phone  +41 (0)32 889 68 92
Fax +41 (0)32 889 63 02
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Le Locle
Jura & Three-Lakes


Tourisme neuchâtelois - Montagnes
Le Col 23
2400 Le Locle
Phone  +41 (0)32 889 68 92
Show Route