Meeting Destinations in Lucerne – Lake Lucerne Region

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  • Lucerne – Lake Lucerne Region

    Unlimited freedom. Switzerland was born when the good people of Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden formed an alliance at the Rütli. Here, in Central Switzerland, is the Schöllenen Bridge which made north-south travel across the Gotthard range possible, and here, in 1871, Europe's first cog railroad up to Rigi marked the beginning of tourism as we know it.
    Find out more about: + Lucerne – Lake Lucerne Region
  • Lucerne

    Lucerne, the gateway to central Switzerland, sited on Lake Lucerne, is embedded within an impressive mountainous panorama. Thanks to its attractions, its attractive shopping offer, the beautiful lakeside setting and the nearby excursion mountains of the Rigi, Pilatus and Stanserhorn, the town is a destination for many travel groups and individuals on their journey through central Switzerland.
    Find out more about: + Lucerne