Hybrid meetings in Switzerland

Hybrid Meeting at Hotel Schweizerhof, Bern



How do you start planning a livestreamed event? Which key points need to be clear from the start? What are the advantages of hybrid events? Does it require an event technology company? If so, which one/s? Here are some tips to help you with a successful and smooth process.

Handy checklist

Step by step to a successful event. This checklist helps maintain an overview of the organisation. Download here.

Montagne Alternative ©Valais/Wallis Promotion - Pascal Gertschen

Tip 1 Send virtual guests a small token of appreciation, before or after the event. Remote guests would like to enjoy your hospitality as well as those on site.  

Tip 2 Before drawing up a schedule, consider whether international visitors will join the event virtually - check the time difference.

Tip 3 Leave enough time for the dress rehearsal - whatever the size of the meeting or event. Are the sound and pictures working, and can videos be played? 

Tip 4 Commission a photographer to capture the on-site mood. This is something virtual guests also really appreciate.

Rates for the next meeting

Are you looking for an attractive offer for your next hybrid meeting in Switzerland? Here are the current rates:

Technical support for meetings and events

In focus

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