
  • Hint

    Bern Region
  • Opening Hours

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 08:00 - 21:00
    Sat 08:00 - 19:00
    Sun 11:00 - 20:00


Enjoy cuisine like in grandmother's time in the restaurant Brauistübli.

Information (main title)

Description Title !

All our dishes are freshly prepared for you. In the selection of our products we attach great importance to the quality and regionality. For example, we obtain game directly from the hunter. We also offer changing menus with natural beef. Enjoy regional dishes such as knuckles, fondue Chinoise, Rahmschnitzel and much more in a friendly and authentic atmosphere.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.

Restaurant facilities

  • Terrace
  • Banquet on demand


Restaurant Brauistübli
Wagnerenstrasse 17
3800 Matten b. Interlaken
079 635 91 87

Opening Hours

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 08:00 - 21:00
Sat 08:00 - 19:00
Sun 11:00 - 20:00


Restaurant Brauistübli
Wagnerenstrasse 17
3800 Matten b. Interlaken

Opening Hours

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 08:00 - 21:00
Sat 08:00 - 19:00
Sun 11:00 - 20:00

Travel information: Interlaken