
How did people live in days of old when knights were bold? The eventful history of the castle acts as a prism through which you can learn a lot about the region and the people who have lived here for centuries.

Alt-Falkenstein Castle towers majestically over the town of Klus near Balsthal, watching over the gateway to the Jura. It was probably built around 1100 on the then strategically important road. 

The local history museum located in the castle houses an exciting collection of archaeological finds, weapons, domestic culture and industrial history from Thal Nature Park. In a knights’ hall and five other rooms, a wide variety of objects are displayed that relate to the inhabitants of the region. There are fossils, ceramics, combs, old kitchen items, engravings and much more to admire.

The finds come from various eras and reflect a rich past.

General information

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Time required
2 to 4 hours (half day)
Suitable for children with age
10 to 13 years, 14+ years
Suitable for
Families, Groups, Individual, Couples
Indoor and outdoor
Culture, Education



Thal Nature Park

Travel information: Thal Nature Park