What Switzerland stands for

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Year after year, little Switzerland achieves big scores in international country rankings and proves what is important for the country: environment, cleanliness, safety, efficient infrastructure, and high living standards.

These rankings help international executives, investment strategists and other business leaders to make informed choices. For conference and event organizers, the same indices also offer useful insights into the relative quality and value of different destinations.

Quality of Life


2023 Smart City Index Report
3 Swiss cities under top 10, out of 141 cities: Zurich (1st), Lausanne (5th), Geneva (9th)

2023 Legatum Prosperity Index
Measures prosperity based on 12 criteria. In the latest edition, Switzerland ranks 5th out of 167 countries.

2022 World Happiness Report
Report of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), which publishes a ranking of the happiest countries Switzerland is in 4th place out of 150 countries.

Better Life Index (OECD)
Switzerland ranks among the top countries in a large number of topics.

2019 Quality of living survey (Mercer)
More than 450 cities worldwide are being analyzed; three Swiss cities - Zurich (2nd), Geneva (9th) and Basel (10th) - were ranked among the ten best, Bern (14th) among the twenty best.



2022 The Good Country Index
Measures how much each country contributes to the planet. Switzerland is no 15 of 169.

2022 The Global Innovation Index
Switzerland has topped the list of 132 countries five years in a row.

2022 IESE Cities in Motion Index
Business school of the University of Navarra measure 174 cities by 9 dimension and evaluates their ability to future success. 4 Swiss cities ranked high: Zurich (14th), Bern (28), Basel (29), Geneva (47). 

2019 Future Brand Country Index (to download)
Measures and compares global perceptions of the world’s nations. In the latest edition, Switzerland ranks 2nd out of 75 countries.



2021 Global Destination Sustainability Index
Zurich ranked 8th in the Top 20.

2022 World Energy Trilemma Index
Switzerland ranked 2nd out of 127 countries.

2022 Environmental Performance Index
Switzerland ranks 9th out of 180 countries in the EPI Ranking with 65.9 points.

Freedom and Gender equality


2022 The Human Freedom Index
The annual report of the Economic Freedom Network (Fraser Institute) uses 42 distinct pieces of data to measure economic freedom in 165 nations. Switzerland ranks 1st.

2022 Gender Gap Report (WEF)
The ranking benchmarks the evolution of gender-based gaps among four key dimensions (Economic Participation and Opportunity, Educational Attainment, Health and Survival, and Political Empowerment) and tracks progress towards closing these gaps over time. Switzerland ranks 13 out of 156 countries.

2021 Mastercard Index of Women Entrepreneur
Switzerland is quite high up with 5th place out of 65 economies

2021 The female opportunity index
An analysis of gender equality in 100 countries looking at advancements in female leadership. Switzerland placed 11th.

Best in tourism


Best Ski Resort 2023
Three ski resorts rank in the top 10 of Alpine destinations: Zermatt (1st), Aletsch Arena (6th), Laax (8th)

Travel & Tourism Development Index 2021
Switzerland ranks 6th of 117

2022 World Travel Awards / Europe Winners
Switzerland is regularly under the best.  
Europe's Leading Airport 2022 – Zurich Airport, Switzerland




2023 European University Ranking
The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich ranks 4th of 200 universities. 

2022 World Talent Ranking
Switzerland emerges as the obvious winner (sixth time in a row), followed by Sweden and Iceland. The countries are assessed due to their ability to develop, attract as well as retain talent.  

2022 QS World University Rankings
Two universities in the top 20. the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich ETH (8th) and EPFL (14th). Several universities in Hospitality & Leisure Management in the top 10 

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