Vista general

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    Ginebra Región
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  • Contacto

    Hôtel Kipling
    Rue de la Navigation 27
    1201 Genève
    Teléfono  +41 (0)22 544 40 40


Once upon a time there was a 3 star superior Hotel Kipling, named after English novelist Rudyard Kipling, born in Bombay in 1865, whose works have earned worldwide renown. Following in the footsteps of this great traveller, the Kipling is a unique place which enables guests to forget its actual location in downtown Geneva. Imbued with an exotic atmosphere evoking the splendours of India while radiating a sense of comfort and sensuality, your stay will be transformed into an adventure in which you play the leading role. City centre location, a stone's throw from the lake and the station with 62 air-conditioned rooms, some with kitchenettes

Este texto es proporcionado y actualizado por las oficinas de turismo regionales/locales o los organizadores, por lo que Suiza Turismo no se hace responsable de la exactitud del contenido.


Once upon a time there was a 3 star superior Hotel Kipling, named after English novelist, Rudyard Kipling, born in Bombay in 1865, whose works have earned worldwide renown. Following in the footsteps of this great traveller, the Kipling is a unique place which enables guests to forget its actual location in downtown Geneva. Imbued with an exotic atmosphere evoking the splendours of India while radiating a sense of comfort and sensuality, your stay will be transformed into an adventure in which you play the leading role.
A journey of discovery… India, the Orient and beyond. With its furbishings inspired by exotic lands, the Hotel Kipling takes you to another world, a profusion of fragrances, colours and sensuality.
Events information
Once upon a time there was a 3 star superior Hotel Kipling, named after English novelist Rudyard Kipling, born in Bombay in 1865, whose works have earned worldwide renown. Following in the footsteps of this great traveller, the Kipling is a unique place which enables guests to forget its actual location in downtown Geneva. Imbued with an exotic atmosphere evoking the splendours of India while radiating a sense of comfort and sensuality, your stay will be transformed into an adventure in which you play the leading role. City centre location, a stone's throw from the lake and the station with 62 air-conditioned rooms, some with kitchenettes


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Número de salas
Número de camas

Salas de reuniones


Seminar 8
Altura de la sala
Superficie 15 m2
  • Wifi gratuito disponible(s)
  • Micrófono a petición
  • Sistema de proyección disponible(s)
  • Equipo de interpretación simultánea no disponible(s)
Tarifa plana para seminarios sin pernoctación: 119 CHF
Tarifa plana para seminarios con pernoctación: 320 CHF


  • Aparcamiento subterráneo
  • Wi-Fi gratuito

Payment options

  • American Express
  • Diners Club
  • Maestro



Hôtel Kipling
Rue de la Navigation 27
1201  Genève

Teléfono  +41 (0)22 544 40 40
Mostrar la ruta



Ginebra Región


Hôtel Kipling
Rue de la Navigation 27
1201 Genève
Teléfono  +41 (0)22 544 40 40
Mostrar la ruta

Información del viaje: Ginebra