Vista general

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    Ginebra Región
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  • Contacto

    Hôtel N'vY
    Rue de Richemont 18
    1202 Genève
    Teléfono  +41 (0)22 544 66 66


Arty. Cosy. Trendy. The 4 star Hotel N’vY is characterised by its state of mind. Located in the centre of Geneva and a stone’s throw from the lake, this oasis with its chic urban décor is an open invitation to chill. Yes to the colour, the natural light and the technology which makes everyone’s lives easier. Yes to its smell and sound design, both tailor-made, as well as to the signature staff dress code by Diesel. Yes to the bars and restaurants for a signature cocktail or a gourmet break. Yes to your every wish. City centre location, a stone's throw from the lake and close to the United Nations. Yes to 153 rooms of different types, some with a lake view and/or kitchenettes. Yes to your every wish.

Este texto es proporcionado y actualizado por las oficinas de turismo regionales/locales o los organizadores, por lo que Suiza Turismo no se hace responsable de la exactitud del contenido.


Arty. Cosy. Trendy. The 4 star Hotel N’vY is characterised by its state of mind. Located in the centre of Geneva and a stone’s throw from the lake, this oasis with its chic urban décor is an open invitation to chill. Yes to the colour, the profusion of colour and the technology making everyone’s lives easier. Yes to its smell and sound design, both tailor-made, as well as to the signature staff dress code by Diesel. Yes to the bars and restaurant for a signature cocktail or a gourmet break. Yes to your every wish.
Arty. Cosy. Trendy. The 4 star Hotel N’vY is characterised by its state of mind. Located in the centre of Geneva and a stone’s throw from the lake.
Events information
Arty. Cosy. Trendy. The 4 star Hotel N’vY is characterised by its state of mind. Located in the centre of Geneva and a stone’s throw from the lake, this oasis with its chic urban décor is an open invitation to chill. Yes to the colour, the natural light and the technology which makes everyone’s lives easier. Yes to its smell and sound design, both tailor-made, as well as to the signature staff dress code by Diesel. Yes to the bars and restaurants for a signature cocktail or a gourmet break. Yes to your every wish. City centre location, a stone's throw from the lake and close to the United Nations. Yes to 153 rooms of different types, some with a lake view and/or kitchenettes. Yes to your every wish.


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Número de salas
Número de habitaciones dobles
Número de camas

Salas de reuniones

Armoise A + B

Concierto 110
Seminar 50
Altura de la sala 2,7
Superficie 135 m2
  • Wifi gratuito disponible(s)
  • Micrófono a petición
  • Sistema de proyección disponible(s)
  • Equipo de interpretación simultánea a petición
Fotografía del salón


Concierto 50
Seminar 25
Altura de la sala 2,7
Superficie 75 m2
  • Wifi gratuito disponible(s)
  • Micrófono a petición
  • Sistema de proyección disponible(s)
  • Equipo de interpretación simultánea a petición
Fotografía del salón
Tarifa plana para seminarios sin pernoctación: 119 CHF
Tarifa plana para seminarios con pernoctación: 320 CHF
Menú de tres platos 70 CHF


  • Aparcamiento subterráneo
  • Wi-Fi gratuito
  • Bar

Payment options

  • American Express
  • Diners Club
  • Maestro



Hôtel N'vY
Rue de Richemont 18
1202  Genève

Teléfono  +41 (0)22 544 66 66
Fax +41 (0)22 544 66 99
Mostrar la ruta



Ginebra Región


Hôtel N'vY
Rue de Richemont 18
1202 Genève
Teléfono  +41 (0)22 544 66 66
Mostrar la ruta

Información del viaje: Ginebra