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El simpático hotel de tres estrellas impresiona ya por su ubicación: a gran altura encima de Degersheim en un entorno natural verde, ofrece un confort moderno, un servicio personal y una hospitalidad cordial. La cocina cultivada y polifacética se presta también para eventos de cierta envergadura, como seminarios o fiestas. También se sentirán a gusto todos aquellos que acuden a este lugar panorámico, deseando escapar a la vida diaria y relajar.
The Wolfensberg, 2.950 ft above sea level, is our touristic stage. The scenery - an idyllic landscape with a spectacular view. In the centre - a comfortable resort for seminars, weddings and holiday travellers alike. A lovely three-star hotel, fully furnished with reliable facilities and according to modern standards - with individual service and refined cuisine.
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Surrounded by a park with a biotope and a magnificent all-round view of the foothills of the Alps, Hotel Wolfensberg offers a breathtaking panorama. It is an idyllic starting point for leisurely walks, hikes and excursions into the surrounding forests.
The hotel has comfortable single and double rooms as well as multi-bed rooms for families on request. The surrounding landscape provides an inspiring change of scene, making Hotel Wolfensberg the perfect place for seminars and conferences – hold your meeting amid greenery without sacrificing modern infrastructure.
Events information
The Wolfensberg, 2.950 ft above sea level, is our touristic stage. The scenery - an idyllic landscape with a spectacular view. In the centre - a comfortable resort for seminars, weddings and holiday travellers alike. A lovely three-star hotel, fully furnished with reliable facilities and according to modern standards - with individual service and refined cuisine.
The Wolfensberg mountain peak, situated at 900 metres, serves as the fantastic backdrop for the hotel in Degersheim.
Hotel Típicamente Suizo
El Wolfensberg, a una altura de 900 metros, ofrece un escenario fantástico para el hotel, rodeado por un parque propio con biótopo con unas vistas espectaculares al paisaje prealpino.
Es un punto de partida ideal para paseos románticos a los bosques del entorno y excursiones fascinantes. Por ejemplo, a la cercana ciudad de St. Gallen, cuyo barrio del monasterio ha sido declarado monumento protegido por la UNESCO, o bien a la región del Appenzellerland con su macizo singular del Alpstein.