
Experience an adventure of the pleasurable kind in the “World of Indulgence” exhibition at the Läckerli Huus. The "Läckerli" biscuits are the real Basel speciality. Alex, the baker’s boy, takes you along on an enticing voyage of discovery.

Beginning in the stair well, you will learn some fascinating facts about the history of the Läckerli Huus. Take your time in the market square on the upper floor and allow yourself to be transported away to Alex’s world. You won’t believe how much there is to discover here. Take a look around and learn about the legends associated with our specialities.

Videos provide information on the production processes and you will constantly discover amusing, interesting and informative details on the walls of the World of Indulgence.
On the ground floor, behind the retail shop, you can gain an insight into the packaging/gift area. The most beautiful bows are tied by hand, products lovingly packaged in gift paper; the emphasis is on unrivalled quality at all times. The craftsmanship that goes into all the products – from the production to the packaging – is deeply rooted in the Läckerli Huus.

Yet what would be a World of Indulgence without samples to try? Sample the tasty treats while your glance goes through the window to alight in the bakery, the heart of the Läckerli Huus. This is where the Basler Läckerli are baked. Your mouth will begin to water when there is nothing but a pane of glass separating you and the exquisite creations.

Información general

Mostrar contenido de Datos técnicos
Temporada desde
Todo el año
Tiempo necesario
2 a 4 horas
Perfecto para niños con una edad de
6 a 9 años, 10 a 13 años, + de 14 años
Ideal para

Información de grupos y precios

Mostrar contenido de Datos técnicos
alemán, francés
Tamaño de grupo
10 - 40
Precio de
CHF 15


Läckerli Huus
Gerbergasse 57
4001  Basel

Teléfono  +41 (0)61 264 23 00
Mostrar la ruta



Basilea Región


Läckerli Huus
Gerbergasse 57
4001 Basel
Teléfono  +41 (0)61 264 23 00
Mostrar la ruta

Información del viaje: Frenkendorf