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    Tulip Inn Beaulieu Lausanne
    Chemin du Cerisier 8-10
    1004 Lausanne
    Teléfono  +41 (0)21 646 16 25


The Tulip Inn Lausanne-Beaulieu welcomes the guests in a quiet residential area well served by public transports, a few steps from the centre and only 5 minutes' drive from the A9 motorway exit Lausanne Blécherette (Lausanne Nord). Closest hotel to World Trade Center and located next to the Beaulieu Convention and Exhibition Centre, this hotel has 61 contemporary, spacious and cosy rooms in several categories, including 2 suites, all carefully furnished in an elegant setting to offer optimal comfort. It offeres two seminar/meeting rooms, a lounge where to dring refreshing drinks, a secured underground parking and a private relaxing garden as well. Week-end and summer promotional rates on request The Tulip Inn Lausanne-Beaulieu is managed by the owners.

Este texto es proporcionado y actualizado por las oficinas de turismo regionales/locales o los organizadores, por lo que Suiza Turismo no se hace responsable de la exactitud del contenido.


The Tulip Inn Lausanne-Beaulieu welcomes the guests in a quiet residential area well served by public transports, a few steps from the centre and only 5 minutes' drive from the A9 motorway exit Lausanne Blécherette (Lausanne Nord). Closest hotel to World Trade Center and located next to the Beaulieu Convention and Exhibition Centre, this hotel has 61 contemporary, spacious and cosy rooms in several categories, including 2 suites, all carefully furnished in an elegant setting to offer optimal comfort. It offeres two seminar/meeting rooms, a lounge where to dring refreshing drinks, a secured underground parking and a private relaxing garden as well. Week-end and summer promotional rates on request The Tulip Inn Lausanne-Beaulieu is managed by the owners.
From Geneva Airport, the hotel is easy reachable by train to Lausanne CFF station, then by bus no. 21, its stop is located on the right of the main exit of the railway station. The Presbytère bus stop (~ 9 minutes by bus) is located in the street behind the hotel. The bus journey is free of charge for anyone who has a reservation at the hotel. By taxi from Lausanne Gare CFF, the journey costs approx. CHF 15.00.
Events information
The Tulip Inn Lausanne-Beaulieu welcomes the guests in a quiet residential area well served by public transports, a few steps from the centre and only 5 minutes' drive from the A9 motorway exit Lausanne Blécherette (Lausanne Nord). Closest hotel to World Trade Center and located next to the Beaulieu Convention and Exhibition Centre, this hotel has 61 contemporary, spacious and cosy rooms in several categories, including 2 suites, all carefully furnished in an elegant setting to offer optimal comfort. It offeres two seminar/meeting rooms, a lounge where to dring refreshing drinks, a secured underground parking and a private relaxing garden as well.
Week-end and summer promotional rates on request

The Tulip Inn Lausanne-Beaulieu is managed by the owners.

3 estrellas


Mostrar contenido de Información
Número de salas
Número de habitaciones dobles
Número de camas

Salas de reuniones

Salle de conférence

Concierto 12
Seminar 12
Altura de la sala 2,4
Superficie 20 m2
  • Wifi gratuito disponible(s)
  • Micrófono no disponible(s)
  • Sistema de proyección no disponible(s)
  • Equipo de interpretación simultánea no disponible(s)
Tarifa plana para seminarios sin pernoctación: 84 CHF
Tarifa plana para seminarios con pernoctación: 194 CHF


  • Aparcamiento subterráneo
  • Wi-Fi gratuito
  • Bar
  • Jardín
  • Ubicación muy tranquila

Payment options

  • American Express
  • Diners Club
  • Maestro
  • PostFinance Card
  • Union Pay



Tulip Inn Beaulieu Lausanne
Chemin du Cerisier 8-10
1004  Lausanne

Teléfono  +41 (0)21 646 16 25
Mostrar la ruta





Tulip Inn Beaulieu Lausanne
Chemin du Cerisier 8-10
1004 Lausanne
Teléfono  +41 (0)21 646 16 25
Mostrar la ruta

Información del viaje: Lausanne