
Brew your own special beer with the support of the Kornhausbräu master brewer.

The Brewing Seminar in the speciality brewery in the city of Rorschach guarantees a unique experience for beer enthusiasts and newcomers. In small groups, you will learn how to brew using equipment with a capacity of 100 litres. Your beer will be handed over to you after the process of fermentation and the storage time of about five weeks. Tasty food and a degustation of the home-brewed beer varieties are included.

Informazioni generali

Visualizza contenuti Dati tecnici
Periodo da
Tutto l'anno
Tempo necessario
Da 2 a 4 ore
Adatto per

Informazioni su gruppi e prezzi

Visualizza contenuti Dati tecnici
Dimensione dei gruppi
7 - 15



Svizzera Orientale / Liechtenstein

Informazioni di viaggio: Rorschach

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