
The name is the product. If you book this team event you are cooking for victory.

Not only fame and honour awaits the winning team, but also awesome prizes. Based on the model of the many tv shows the group will be splitted into two teams, which compete against each other. You can chose whether you want us to decide which team wins the spoils or if you want to do it yourselves.

As its name suggests, the 25hours Hotel Zurich West is in the west of the city. It has a lively mixture of vibrant colours, authentic local flair and a homely atmosphere. The hotel is very much in touch with its surroundings and combines work by the Zurich-based designer Alfredo Häberli with creative art. Embodying the hotel company’s tongue-in-cheek humour, the 25hours Hotel Zurich West never takes itself too seriously and shows what the city has to offer other than banking, chocolate and watches.

Informazioni generali

Visualizza contenuti Dati tecnici
Tempo necessario
Da 2 a 4 ore
Adatto per

Informazioni su gruppi e prezzi

Visualizza contenuti Dati tecnici
Dimensione dei gruppi
8 - 16
Prezzo da
CHF 199


25hours Hotel Zürich West
Pfingstweidstrasse 102
8005  Zürich

Telefono  +41 (0)44 577 25 25
Fax +41 (0)44 577 28 88
Mostra il percorso



Zurigo Regione


25hours Hotel Zürich West
Pfingstweidstrasse 102
8005 Zürich
Telefono  +41 (0)44 577 25 25
Mostra il percorso

Informazioni di viaggio: Zurigo

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