
Lausanne Cities



Added benefits

Lausanne Transport Card

Every guest staying in one of the destination’s hotels is given a Lausanne Transport Card. Issued on check-in and valid for their entire stay, it offers free and unlimited use of all public transport in the zone (bus, metro, train).
A team of specialists is at your service. The Convention Bureau’s team is on hand to facilitate the organisation of any event. Made-to-measure guidance is on offer, ranging from simple advice to operational support.

Transparent pricing and the lowest VAT in Europe

Swiss prices are transparent, and the VAT rate is only 7.7%, taxes and services included. Hotel overnight stays, including breakfast, benefit from a special VAT rate of 3.7%. In most Lausanne hotels, breakfast, WiFi and access to any spa facilities are included in the price.


In Lausanne, sustainable development is more than a commitment: it’s a way of life. It is one of the four axes of excellence upon which the city’s policies are based, in terms of culture, sport, education and research.

Here are a few facts and specific actions:

The destination of Lausanne-Montreux figures among the top 20 in the GDS (Global Destination Sustainability) index. This is the first programme for benchmarking and improving sustainability for the world’s congress and event destinations.
Quality public transport: almost all conference locations are accessible by public transport. The destination is also easy to reach by train from Switzerland’s national airports. Lausanne is known for having Switzerland’s only metro system: it is automatically operated and has been referred to as the city’s backbone.




ローザンヌ のホテル

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