Congress destination Switzerland

Ender, Ender Diagnostics



As the perfect business destination, Switzerland offers everything you need for a successful congress: an outstanding infrastructure in an inspiring environment between expertise, research, tradition and the future, as well as the proximity of the city and unique nature.

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Switzerland owes its prosperity to investment in people. A highly skilled, multilingual workforce, world-class research institutions, an emphasis on innovation and international collaboration, the rapid transfer of expertise into business products: this is fertile ground for new ideas. Switzerland provides an ideal location at the heart of Europe for making contacts, finding project partners, acquiring and exchanging know-how, doing business and gaining access to new markets.


Pre- & post-congress tours

Despite its comparatively small size, Switzerland offers an unparalleled wealth of cultural, urban and scenic natural experiences. Thanks to the short distances and excellent public transport connections, the mountains, lakes and nature of all destinations can be reached in no time. Tickets and packages can be booked quickly and individually, and timetables can be easily found online at any time.


Did you know ICCA Ranking: Switzerland ranks 15th among the most popular countries for international association congresses

In 2022, Switzerland hosted 175 congresses. The ranking of the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA), which is based on international association congresses with more than 50 participants, includes more than 100 countries and over 400 cities worldwide. Switzerland thus continues to occupy a top position.

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The Switzerland Convention & Incentive Bureau informs you about the latest news regarding hotels, congresses, conferences, meetings, and incentives as well as other happenings in Switzerland. The newsletter is published 4 times a year.

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