
Enjoy the combination of an entertaining city tour and culinary delights that will indulge your mind and body at the same time.

Enjoy the combination of an entertaining city tour and culinary delights that will indulge your mind and body at the same time. During the pleasant stroll through the Old Town you will realise that history doesn’t have to be dry and boring. For this combination tour you can choose between a guided tour of the Old Town, Sulzerareal or Frauenthur. Along the way, you will take multiple breaks while enjoying a further menu item each time. Don’t miss this tempting tour!

일반 정보

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소요 시간
2~4 시간 (반일)
적정 이용자
그룹, 자유여행, 커플

그룹 & 요금 정보

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독일어, 영어, 프랑스어
그룹 사이즈
1 - 20
CHF 400
추가 요금 (시작가)
From CHF 400.00 flat rate per group with a maximum of 20 people for the tour and organisation, plus CHF 56.00 per person for culinary delights.

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여행 정보: 빈터투어