
앱상트 제조 - “초록 요정”이라고도 불리는 앱상트는 90년이 넘도록 금지된 술이었다. 다양한 식물과 허브를 기반으로 증류되는 신비의 술은 2005년부터 다시 합법적으로 판매할 수 있게 되었다.

This liquor with its tasty bitterness originated in the Val de Travers. Absinthe was first distilled in the 18th century in the Val de Travers as a medicinal elixir from wormwood, aniseed, fennel and other herbs; today it is popular once again, even used to flavour chocolates and pastries.

On the "Route de l'Absinth" trail, the seductive taste of forbidden fruit is explored. Several distilleries offer tours and tastings. Every day a selected distillery opens its doors to the public. Here you’ll discover how absinthe is made and hear some fascinating tales – all the more thrilling with each sip of the highly alcoholic spirit.

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