
How women are changing politics and what role gender plays. How taking things at a snail’s pace can take men by surprise and why suddenly everything comes to a standstill. Why getting married can mean fewer rights and who is supposed to take on the role of family carer.

Decades of struggle preceded the introduction of women’s suffrage in the city and canton of Bern. Things we take for granted now were only achieved through perseverance and struggle. A lot has changed, but some things have remained equally unequal. We take stock to judge how far women have come in terms of equality.

On August 22, 1968, the Bern city council decided to enfranchise women. Things we take for granted now were only achieved through perseverance and struggle. The election of Ruth Im Obersteg Geiser as the first female member of Bern’s municipal council and thus the first female director of construction in Switzerland, the influence of the female population on political events, the tenacity of later councillor Marie Boehlen in the fight for women’s suffrage, extra-parliamentary campaigns such as that the work to establish the Frauenraum social centre in the former Riding School: These and other stories will be heard on the tour from the Parliament House to Länggasse, telling the story of 50 years of women’s suffrage and the associated history of women in Bern. A lot has changed, but some things have remained equally unequal.

Algemene informatie

Inhoud Technische gegevens weergeven
Benodigde tijd
2 tot 4 uur
Geschikt voor

Groeps- en prijsinformatie

Inhoud Technische gegevens weergeven
Aantal personen in de groep
1 - 20
Meer prijzen (vanaf)
CHF 490.00 per group


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Amthausgasse 4
3001  Bern

Telefoon  +41 (0)31 328 12 60



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