
All you need is a wood fire, a large copper pot, raw milk and fungal cultures and you are ready to go. Under the supervision of our master cheese maker you will make some 6 kilos of tasty Burgherren cheese.

Our master cheese maker will show you how to make your own full-flavoured Burgherren cheese. Some six kilos of it! The cheese wheel will remain in our cellar for about three to six months to reach its desired maturity, after which we will send it to you. Alternatively, you can enjoy a fondue made from your own cheese here at the Kartause at your next event.
Indication price is CHF 700.– including tasting of different cheeses during the event.
Maximum of 30 people per group
Duration 1.5 to 2.5 hours.

Algemene informatie

Inhoud Technische gegevens weergeven
Seizoen van
Het hele jaar door
Benodigde tijd
2 tot 4 uur
Geschikt voor

Groeps- en prijsinformatie

Inhoud Technische gegevens weergeven
Duits, Engels, Frans
Aantal personen in de groep
10 - 30
Prijs van
CHF 35



Oost-Zwitserland / Liechtenstein