Event Planner

You can find the perfect venue for your next business lunch, customer event, congress or outdoor event with your team in our new planning tool. Create a list of your favorites yourself. If you are looking for a suitable social program, browse our selection of nearly 1,000 activities.

14 Resultaten gevonden

14 Resultaten gevonden

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14 Resultaten gevonden
  • Golf lesson on Golf Sempach

    Discover the fascinating world of golf with your employees or customers. Under the qualified guidance of the experienced golf professionals, you will make your first tee-offs in a scenically beautiful location and be introduced to the secrets of golf.
    Meer info over: + Golf lesson on Golf Sempach
  • Klooster Engelberg

    Het centrum van Engelberg vormt het in 1120 gebouwde benedictijnerklooster van Engelberg. Nog vandaag de dag leven en werken rond 30 monniken in het klooster van Engelberg.
    Meer info over: + Klooster Engelberg
  • Trotti-Trekking Sattel-Hochstuckli

    Riding a scooter through the landscapes of Central Switzerland. After a short briefing, you’ll be able to leisurely roll along country roads on your scooter and discover the rustic landscape of Central Switzerland.
    Meer info over: + Trotti-Trekking Sattel-Hochstuckli
  • Trübsee Adventure

    If you've ever dreamed of being a stuntman, then the Trübsee Adventure could make your dreams come true. Different activities can be done free of charge at the "Trübsee Adventure".
    Meer info over: + Trübsee Adventure
  • “Scriptorium” at Einsiedeln Abbey

    What’s it like to write with a quill and ink? What was ink previously made from? And what does parchment smell like? A visit to Einsiedeln Scriptorium is sure to answer questions like these and many more.
    Meer info over: + “Scriptorium” at Einsiedeln Abbey
  • Drinking Water Facility Zug

    Water is the source of life. During this tour you learn how the potable water of Zug is processed to reach its excellent quality, starting at the natural source and following the water until the tap.
    Meer info over: + Drinking Water Facility Zug
  • Gardening in the mountains

    Let our garden inspire you. It’s amazing what will grow at 1,450 m above sea level Our hands-on gardening experience invites you to try herbs, vegetables and berries and to put your green fingers to the test right away. Learn exciting facts about the plants and other inhabitants of a garden packed with life.
    Meer info over: + Gardening in the mountains
  • Grotten van Höllgrotten

    Achter het wildromantische Lorzentobel kan men afdalen in de onderwereld. De grottenstelsels herbergen betoverende druipsteengrotten, die met sprookjesachtige rotsformaties jong en oud fascineren.
    Meer info over: + Grotten van Höllgrotten
  • Building Challenge

    Digging at CAMPUS SURSEE! This group program for team events is unique in Switzerland and offers creative disciplines related to construction. Our highlights: ability-test with a mini-digger, building a sheathing and reinforcement, building a sewerage system and a lot more.
    Meer info over: + Building Challenge
  • “Cradle of Switzerland” sunset canoeing tour

    Paddling towards the last of the sun’s rays on a warm summer’s evening. The tour guide leads the group to the highlights of the Cradle of Switzerland and regales them with stories and facts about the Rütli and the legend of William Tell.
    Meer info over: + “Cradle of Switzerland” sunset canoeing tour