Event Planner

You can find the perfect venue for your next business lunch, customer event, congress or outdoor event with your team in our new planning tool. Create a list of your favorites yourself. If you are looking for a suitable social program, browse our selection of nearly 1,000 activities.

39 Resultaten gevonden

39 Resultaten gevonden

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39 Resultaten gevonden
  • Extreme Dining

    Open your eyes and discover a table set on a mountain peak, in the middle of a forest or in a stream down in the valley.
    Meer info over: + Extreme Dining
  • Titlis glacier excursion

    The excursion up to Titlis - the only accessible glacier in Central Switzerland - is a real treat. The gondola Titlis Express leads up to the intermediate station. Then Titlis Rotair, the World's first revolving cablecar, continues all the way to the top.
    Meer info over: + Titlis glacier excursion
  • Golf lesson on Golf Sempach

    Discover the fascinating world of golf with your employees or customers. Under the qualified guidance of the experienced golf professionals, you will make your first tee-offs in a scenically beautiful location and be introduced to the secrets of golf.
    Meer info over: + Golf lesson on Golf Sempach
  • Klooster Engelberg

    Het centrum van Engelberg vormt het in 1120 gebouwde benedictijnerklooster van Engelberg. Nog vandaag de dag leven en werken rond 30 monniken in het klooster van Engelberg.
    Meer info over: + Klooster Engelberg
  • The unplugged teamevent

    Successful cooking on an open fire requires some special ingredients. A pinch of creativity, large amounts of teamwork and communication, as well as a good portion of timing are necessary for the mission to succeed. In the middle of nature, a 3-course menu is conjured up from regional products with local chefs without any electricity.
    Meer info over: + The unplugged teamevent
  • Trotti-Trekking Sattel-Hochstuckli

    Riding a scooter through the landscapes of Central Switzerland. After a short briefing, you’ll be able to leisurely roll along country roads on your scooter and discover the rustic landscape of Central Switzerland.
    Meer info over: + Trotti-Trekking Sattel-Hochstuckli
  • "Tatort" murder mystery

    Immerse yourself in a story wit plenty of fun, games and excitement. Each mystery game tells a different story that puts you and your guests at the centre of the action.
    Meer info over: + "Tatort" murder mystery
  • Alpine event

    Celebrate with your guests an unforgettable party. While in the kitchen the finest dishes are prepared, you enjoy the exciting and unconventional activities outside. «URCHIG» Event-Gasthof Kulmerau - the perfect place for memorable moments. "Urchig" means "traditional" in Swiss german.
    Meer info over: + Alpine event
  • Tennis and a barbecue

    Team spirit is fostered and strengthened on the tennis courts, before rounding off the event with dinner prepared by the Seehaus kitchen.
    Meer info over: + Tennis and a barbecue
  • Amazing Race Lucerne

    The Amazing Race is the first real-time photo rally! Over 50 photo missions are waiting to be solved. A healthy dose of exercise and challenge combined with lots of fun will create a unique digital team experience.
    Meer info over: + Amazing Race Lucerne
  • Gouden rondvaart Pilatus

    Symbool van Centraal-Zwitserland en huisberg van de stad Luzern - de Pilatus. De “Goldene Rundfahrt” per stoomschip, de rode tandwieltrein en terug per kabelbaan geldt als een klassieke rondtocht.
    Meer info over: + Gouden rondvaart Pilatus
  • “Scriptorium” at Einsiedeln Abbey

    What’s it like to write with a quill and ink? What was ink previously made from? And what does parchment smell like? A visit to Einsiedeln Scriptorium is sure to answer questions like these and many more.
    Meer info over: + “Scriptorium” at Einsiedeln Abbey
  • Foxtrail – raadselpret in Luzern en omgeving

    De regio Luzern heeft Foxtrails in de stad Luzern en omgeving, in Weggis-Vitznau, op de Klewenalp en tussen Sarnen en Stansstad. De lichtstad en haar omgeving trekken niet alleen toeristen aan, maar ook vossen. Codes kraken midden in de oude binnenstad, raadsels oplossen in de agglomeratie of tips ontcijferen te midden van een prachtig bergpanorama – verveling krijgt hier geen kans.
    Meer info over: + Foxtrail – raadselpret in Luzern en omgeving
  • KKL Luzern Culture- and Convention Centre

    De KKL Luzern, het architectonische meesterwerk van Jean Nouvel, wacht op u in het midden van Zwitserland, aan de oever van het Vierwoudstedenmeer en direct naast het station van Luzern. De spectaculaire concertzaal, wereldberoemd om zijn uitstekende akoestiek, en vele andere prachtige, met licht overgoten zalen, terrassen en foyers bieden de ideale infrastructuur voor onvergetelijke evenementen. Of het nu gaat om een cultureel evenement, een congres, een klantenevenement of een personeelsbijeenkomst: in de KKL Luzern bent u aan het juiste adres. 500 nationale en internationale evenementen op het gebied van cultuur, bedrijfsleven, wetenschap en onderwijs vinden jaarlijks plaats in de KKL Luzern en inspireren zo'n 500.000 bezoekers per jaar met de unieke combinatie van cultuur, congressen en gastronomie.
    Meer info over: + KKL Luzern Culture- and Convention Centre
  • Aeschbach Chocolatier: ChocoStudio

    With a view of Mount Pilatus and the in-house chocolate manufacture the participants will be accompanied by an Aeschbach Chocolatier and introduced to the secrets of dip-coating and decoration of chocolates.
    Meer info over: + Aeschbach Chocolatier: ChocoStudio
  • Eichhof brewery

    Eichhof is a proud beer of a proud region. Brewed in the heart of Switzerland. A beer that has been appreciated throughout the whole country for more than 180 years.
    Meer info over: + Eichhof brewery
  • The power of silence

    Enrich your event with our knowledge and our competence in the areas of mindfulness, ethics, meditation and dialog between cultures and religions. Be it in the form of a Zen introduction, a lecture or a guided tour through Lassalle-Haus and the park. You can find the offer details here.
    Meer info over: + The power of silence
  • Drinking Water Facility Zug

    Water is the source of life. During this tour you learn how the potable water of Zug is processed to reach its excellent quality, starting at the natural source and following the water until the tap.
    Meer info over: + Drinking Water Facility Zug
  • Gotthard Tunnel Experience

    Measuring 57 km in length, the Gotthard Base Tunnel is the longest railway tunnel in the world. On this guided tour, a window in the Amsteg access gallery permits a direct view of trains rushing by.
    Meer info over: + Gotthard Tunnel Experience
  • Experience the magic of the KKL Lucerne

    KKL Luzern is a centre of sheer inspiration. A place where outstanding concerts come together with exquisite food and drink plus charming service to offer an overall experience to savour. There remains a fascination for the work of French architect Jean Nouvel – with over 500 events and more than half a million visitors per year underlining the great appeal of the venue.
    Meer info over: + Experience the magic of the KKL Lucerne
  • KICKER fun – the table football tournament

    We’ll bring the football championship to you at your hotel, in your workplace or your favourite restaurant. But before the action on the pitch can begin, a little bit of mental work, creativity and skill is required beforehand.
    Meer info over: + KICKER fun – the table football tournament
  • Sake tasting & snacks

    Izakaya Nozomi offers an introduction into the world of Japanese rice wine. Enjoy a guided tasting of different sakes plus Japanese snacks.
    Meer info over: + Sake tasting & snacks
  • A train ride that mixes old and new technology

    Although our mountain railways were Europe’s first, we also operate the latest generation of trains. Dear Passenger, We’d like to take you on a journey through time. Board a heritage train in Arth-Goldau and then travel back down from Rigi Kulm to Vitznau in the valley below in the latest articulated railcar.
    Meer info over: + A train ride that mixes old and new technology
  • Grotten van Höllgrotten

    Achter het wildromantische Lorzentobel kan men afdalen in de onderwereld. De grottenstelsels herbergen betoverende druipsteengrotten, die met sprookjesachtige rotsformaties jong en oud fascineren.
    Meer info over: + Grotten van Höllgrotten