
5 Resultaten gevonden

5 Resultaten gevonden
5 Resultaten gevonden
  • Payerneland

    Payerneland, dat is: - De grootste indoor kartingpiste van Europa (900 meter) - Een "Grand Prix" buitencircuit van 920 meter - LauraPark: een attractiecentrum voor de allerkleinsten van 2 tot 10 jaar - Payerneland Adventure: een centrum waar u in open lucht met het hele gezin allerhande activiteiten kan beoefenen
    Meer info over: + Payerneland
  • Eiger Grand Prix

    Creativity, team spirit, and above all fun and a certain air of nostalgia are the essence of this very special ‘Grand Prix’. Teams are presented with a basic frame and various additional materials, and have to work together to produce a colourful, working Go-cart. The culmination of this intensive team-building phase is the Eiger Grand Prix in which the handmade ‘racing cars’ will take to the course, and where the spectators can appraise the cars on their appearance, cruise control, and of course, their ability to pass the chequered flag! An inspiring competition for teams with a passion for driving and a sense of adventure!
    Meer info over: + Eiger Grand Prix