Team events: music

5 Resultaten gevonden

5 Resultaten gevonden
5 Resultaten gevonden
  • Corporate Orchestra

    Set in a context of pure fun, the team puts into practice collaboration and listening skills, it finds the energy required to complete the project and the attention and the ability to join in. It’s an opportunity for everyone to get to know each other in an active and enjoyable way outside the working environment. It’s a completely new, unexpected and inspiring experience, the effects of which will stay with the participants on return to their daily work.
    Meer info over: + Corporate Orchestra
  • Zelf klokken gieten

    Absoluut uniek: Bezoekers van klokkengieterij Berger en Bärau krijgen de gelegenheid on hun eigen persoonlijke klok te gieten.
    Meer info over: + Zelf klokken gieten
  • Drumevent

    Give your company event an exotic note. With lots of energy, rythmn and fun, Stephan Rigert will introduce your team to the lively world of drumming.
    Meer info over: + Drumevent