Alle sociale programma's in Bern Regio

114 Resultaten gevonden

114 Resultaten gevonden

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114 Resultaten gevonden
  • Igloo building

    Construct your very own igloo under the instruction of qualified experts. Each icy block is sawn from the packed snow and must be placed methodically and with great accuracy. How would you measure up to the Inuit?
    Meer info over: + Igloo building
  • Fondue making - outdoor kitchen

    The OUTDOOR team has found the most beautiful places in the Jungfrau region where you can hold an outdoor cooking event. Each cooking group will be provided on site with the cooking utensils needed for a fondue and a corresponding recipe for its preparation.
    Meer info over: + Fondue making - outdoor kitchen
  • Past and present meet at Burgdorf Castle Youth Hostel

    Here’s your chance to discover and enjoy Swiss history and spend a pleasant night. The 800-year-old castle with its museum, restaurant and youth hostel is the perfect place for a discovery tour. Education and history can be experienced up close and personal and sometimes you can get the feeling of playing a role in the movie “Night at the Museum”.
    Meer info over: + Past and present meet at Burgdorf Castle Youth Hostel
  • The Alpine Flower Trail on the Betelberg

    On the guided tours of the Alpine Flower Trail on the Betelberg, alpine flower ranger Margrit Dubi reveals exciting and unusual facts about the fascinating world of alpine flora on the mountain. She effortlessly and humorously packs all kinds of topics – such as root systems, pollinators, mythology and the effects of alpine herbs – into exciting stories.
    Meer info over: + The Alpine Flower Trail on the Betelberg
  • Harderbahn

    Het panoramakabelspoor brengt bezoekers in slechts 10 minuten van Interlaken naar de huisberg – de Harder Kulm.
    Meer info over: + Harderbahn
  • Ladies’ choice - 50 years of women’s suffrage in Bern

    How women are changing politics and what role gender plays. How taking things at a snail’s pace can take men by surprise and why suddenly everything comes to a standstill. Why getting married can mean fewer rights and who is supposed to take on the role of family carer.
    Meer info over: + Ladies’ choice - 50 years of women’s suffrage in Bern
  • Volunteering in the Gantrisch Nature Park

    The Swiss parks organise regular volunteering outings with companies that wish to do something for the environment with their employees. Fresh air is good for everyone – the company recovers motivated and enthusiastic co-workers that get together for a good cause, laugh, enjoy themselves and, at night, will fall straight asleep with a clear conscience.
    Meer info over: + Volunteering in the Gantrisch Nature Park
  • Simmentaler Hausweg

    Van Wimmis tot aan Lenk. Simmentaler-koeien zijn in de hele wereld bekend. De berglandbouw zorgde vroeger voor rijkdom in het dal. Daarvan getuigen veel Simmentaler boerenhuizen.
    Meer info over: + Simmentaler Hausweg
  • Eenvoudig Saxetenravijn

    Niet zeker of canyoning wel iets is voor u? Het Saxetenravijn is als eenvoudig maar wel degelijk echt ravijn ideaal om dat uit te proberen.
    Meer info over: + Eenvoudig Saxetenravijn
  • Tropenhaus guided tour and adventure tours

    Get an insight into the different areas of the Tropenhaus Frutigen on the guided tour. Learn more about the tropical garden, the exhibition "How the fish came to the mountain", sturgeon & caviar, the fish farm and the history of the tropical house and conclude the exciting tour with an interactive workshop.
    Meer info over: + Tropenhaus guided tour and adventure tours
  • Avonturen- en deltavliegparadijs

    Interlaken wordt nummer een op het gebied van avonturensport en plezier. Bij de vlieglustigen is Interlaken al lang bekend om zijn uitstekende vliegmogelijkheden en zijn bijna altijd gunstige omstandigheden.
    Meer info over: + Avonturen- en deltavliegparadijs
  • Cortina Lounge Bar

    De Cortina Lounge is een gezellige lounge midden in de binnenstad van Thun, die je met veel sofa's en comfortabele stoelen tot verpozen uitnodigt.
    Meer info over: + Cortina Lounge Bar
  • Varen over de Aare

    De Aare tussen Uttigen en Bern is buitengewoon populair voor alle soorten boottochten. Het is een “iets andere” toegang tot de Zwitserse hoofstad Bern. De uiterwaarden bieden een betoverende ongereptheid en afzondering te midden van een dichtbebouwd landschap.
    Meer info over: + Varen over de Aare
  • Tijdreis op de Gotthelf-Märit

    De nostalgische Gotthelf-Märit lokt ieder voorjaar duizenden bezoekers naar het historische dorpscentrum van Sumiswald, waar ze kunnen genieten van de authentieke jaarmarktambiance van vroeger.
    Meer info over: + Tijdreis op de Gotthelf-Märit
  • Papercutting – magic in every cut

    Discover the magical world of papercutting. Under the guidance by an experienced course leader, you will create your first artistic papercutting. The prerequisites for the fine details are patience and precise work. Each work of art created is framed and becomes a souvenir. The cure not only teaches traditional artistic handicrafts, but also creates an inspiring environment to strengthen teamwork.
    Meer info over: + Papercutting – magic in every cut
  • Woodturning course, shape unique pieces of wood together

    Transform a simple, angular piece of wood into a creative masterpiece. You will be introduced to the art of woodturning and learn how to sharpen tools and treat surfaces. You don't just watch, but also put simple woodturning techniques into practice on the professional woodturning lathes.
    Meer info over: + Woodturning course, shape unique pieces of wood together
  • Sledge building - Creative team fun with a top test-run!

    Build a sledge from scratch using a variety of materials such as skis, wood, car tyres, upholstery, wire mesh or cardboard. Your team machine can be hammered, glued, cut and sawn until the finished sledge is ready for the initial safety check, and then given its very first test drive
    Meer info over: + Sledge building - Creative team fun with a top test-run!
  • Trauffer - private carving and painting courses

    To the carving knives, ready, go! Would you like to learn how to carve the iconic Trauffer wooden cow yourself? Attach the horns, ears and bell and even paint on the funny spots yourself? Our experienced carvers and painters will be happy to teach you all this. Groups of 15 or more can book this unique event at Trauffer Erlebniswelt.
    Meer info over: + Trauffer - private carving and painting courses
  • Emmentaler AOP kaasboerderij

    Tot ver over de Zwitserse grens bekend, de kaas met de vele, grote gaten. In het buitenland wordt Emmentaler kaas ook vaak simpelweg «Zwitserse kaas» genoemd.
    Meer info over: + Emmentaler AOP kaasboerderij
  • Klimhal Haslital

    De klimhal Haslital behoort tot de modernste klimhallen van Zwitserland en maakt bij ieder weer een onvergetelijke belevenis mogelijk.
    Meer info over: + Klimhal Haslital