
Come and immerse yourself in the world of wine. During the wine tasting you will learn more about the carefully selected wines in the Bindella vinoteca.

From golden yellow to ruby red, from the fresh smell of wood to ripe blackberries, from sweet to sour. Sampling different wines not only brings pleasure and enjoyment, it also puts your eyes, nose and palate to the test.

During the tasting session, the in-house sommelier will explain more about the art of wine tasting and the vintage of the selected wines. Find out which one you like best.

The tasting can be custom designed by prior arrangement. You could take a "Giro D’Italia", for example: a journey through Italy from north to south.

Algemene informatie

Inhoud Technische gegevens weergeven
Benodigde tijd
1-2 uur
Geschikt voor

Groeps- en prijsinformatie

Inhoud Technische gegevens weergeven
Aantal personen in de groep
2 - 20
Prijs van
CHF 55


Bern Welcome - Convention Bureau
Amthausgasse 4
3001  Bern

Telefoon  +41 (0)31 328 12 60



Bern Regio

Reisinformatie: Bern

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