Event Planner

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289 Results Znalezione

289 Results Znalezione
289 Results Znalezione
  • Lac de Joux

    Surowe piękno doliny Joux i tutejszego jeziora zachwyca i fascynuje każdego odwiedzającego. Na północnym zachodzie kantonu Vaud leży jezoro Lac de Joux, w dolinie o tej samej nazwie. Woda z jeziora odpływa tylko podziemnymi ciekami. Statki motorowe kursują latem pomiędzy Le Pont i przeciwległym koniuszkiem jeziora.
    Find out more about: + Lac de Joux
  • Park linowy Atzmännig

    Park linowy Atzmännig oferuje zabawę i dreszcz emocji na dużej wysokości. Osiem tras (Parcours) z różnymi poziomami trudności wymagają zręczności i koordynacji.
    Find out more about: + Park linowy Atzmännig
  • Alpine Biology Center Piora

    The Center is is suitable for courses in alpine ecology and hydrobiology, living nature, as well as laboratory work, seminars, workshops and conferences. The contents of scientific and educational courses must be determined by the organizing institutions or universities.
    Find out more about: + Alpine Biology Center Piora
  • Igloo building

    Construct your very own igloo under the instruction of qualified experts. Each icy block is sawn from the packed snow and must be placed methodically and with great accuracy. How would you measure up to the Inuit?
    Find out more about: + Igloo building
  • Fondue making - outdoor kitchen

    The OUTDOOR team has found the most beautiful places in the Jungfrau region where you can hold an outdoor cooking event. Each cooking group will be provided on site with the cooking utensils needed for a fondue and a corresponding recipe for its preparation.
    Find out more about: + Fondue making - outdoor kitchen
  • Hire your own ski resort

    Exclusive skiing in Madrisa! End of March / beginning of April - you can hire the Madrisa ski resort on a daily basis for exclusive skiing by corporate and private groups. Invite friends, business partners and customers to enjoy a unique skiing experience along with a fine meal in Madrisa.
    Find out more about: + Hire your own ski resort
  • Wnętrze zegarka

    Zegarek jest małym wszechświatem precyzyjnych komponentów, które działają poprawnie, gdy elementy tej złożonej układanki idealnie do siebie pasują.
    Find out more about: + Wnętrze zegarka
  • Volunteering in the Gantrisch Nature Park

    The Swiss parks organise regular volunteering outings with companies that wish to do something for the environment with their employees. Fresh air is good for everyone – the company recovers motivated and enthusiastic co-workers that get together for a good cause, laugh, enjoy themselves and, at night, will fall straight asleep with a clear conscience.
    Find out more about: + Volunteering in the Gantrisch Nature Park
  • Simmental House Trail

    From Wimmis to the Lenk. The cows of the Simmental Valley are world-famous. Mountain farming brought early riches to the valley. Simmental's farm houses bear witness to this wealth.
    Find out more about: + Simmental House Trail
  • The power of silence

    Enrich your event with our knowledge and our competence in the areas of mindfulness, ethics, meditation and dialog between cultures and religions. Be it in the form of a Zen introduction, a lecture or a guided tour through Lassalle-Haus and the park. You can find the offer details here.
    Find out more about: + The power of silence
  • Foxtrail – Puzzle fun in and around Lucerne

    In the Lucerne region, the scavenger hunt is available in and around the city of Lucerne, in Weggis-Vitznau, on the Klewenalp, and between Sarnen and Stansstad. The city of light and its surroundings attract not only tourists, but foxes too. Crack codes in the old town, solve puzzles in the surrounding area or decipher clues while surrounded by beautiful panoramic mountain views – there’s no chance of boredom here.
    Find out more about: + Foxtrail – Puzzle fun in and around Lucerne
  • Mouettes

    Mouettes (mewy) są małymi żółtymi taksówkami wodnymi, które umożliwiają szybkie przemieszczanie w Genewie. Cztery linie (tam i z powrotem) łączą przez cały rok oba brzegi Jeziora Genewskiego.
    Find out more about: + Mouettes
  • Foxtrail – fun in and around Zurich

    The fox takes chasers on seven different trails across Zurich and Winterthur. The fox has made off between the lake and Hallenstadion, and chasers will need cunning, teamwork and urban speed to catch it.
    Find out more about: + Foxtrail – fun in and around Zurich
  • Husky sled ride on Col des Mosses

    Although the Col des Mosses is generally a favourite destination for cross-country skiers, it is also a great place to explore from the back of a husky sled. Speeding through the winter wonderland to the happy barking of dogs is an experience that you won’t readily forget!
    Find out more about: + Husky sled ride on Col des Mosses
  • Jezioro Sils

    Najwyżej w Europie kursująca flota statków wyrusza z Sils Maria i przecina wspaniałe jezioro alpejskie położone na wysokości 1800 m n.p.m. w ciągu 40 minut.
    Find out more about: + Jezioro Sils