All social programs

9 Results Znalezione

9 Results Znalezione

Wyszukiwanie zostało przefiltrowane następującymi tagami

9 Results Znalezione
  • Chocolat Stella

    Chocolat Stella SA stands out with its production of traditional chocolate without sugar and with organic chocolate. They create various unique specialties like the famous "Moretti" and other confectionery without added sugar.
    Find out more about: + Chocolat Stella
  • Chocolate dreams can come true

    Create exquisite chocolates with the finest truffle and praline fillings or even make your own chocolate bars and figures from yummy Swiss chocolate. miniSchoggi makes all this – and much more – possible.
    Find out more about: + Chocolate dreams can come true
  • Läckerli Huus

    Experience an adventure of the pleasurable kind in the “World of Indulgence” exhibition at the Läckerli Huus. The "Läckerli" biscuits are the real Basel speciality. Alex, the baker’s boy, takes you along on an enticing voyage of discovery.
    Find out more about: + Läckerli Huus
  • Chocolate dreams can come true

    Create exquisite chocolates with the finest truffle and praline fillings or even make your own chocolate bars and figures from yummy Swiss chocolate. miniSchoggi makes all this – and much more – possible.
    Find out more about: + Chocolate dreams can come true
  • Chocolate tasting

    Participants will can taste four of our chocolates, which three were award and drink a hot or cold beverage of their choice. The history of the chocolate factory and its chocolates will be explained to them by a passionate guide.
    Find out more about: + Chocolate tasting
  • House of Läderach

    Droga powstania wysokiej jakość czekolady ma swój początek w dżungli, a kończy się topniejąc w naszych ustach. Ale jak słodkie dzieła sztuki z Läderach powstają z gorzkich ziaren kakaowca?
    Find out more about: + House of Läderach