All social programs em Jura & Três Lagos

12 Resultados encontrado

12 Resultados encontrado

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12 Resultados encontrado
  • Réclère – Grutas e Parque Pré-histórico

    Excursões às grutas e ao parque pré-histórico de Réclère são quase como uma "Viagem ao Centro da Terra" de Júlio Verne. A grande caverna de pedra calcária, com suas estalactites e estalagmites, proporciona a atmosfera necessária à excursão, e os dinossauros em tamanho natural do parque são o clímax de uma fascinante viagem através do tempo.
    Mais informações sobre: + Réclère – Grutas e Parque Pré-histórico
  • Boudry Castle

    A visit to the vine and wine museum in the imposing Château de Boudry is a must for all wine enthusiasts. This region has been home to vineyards and winegrowers for over two thousand years. Of the six million litres of wine produced in the Neuchâtel vineyards in the 17th and 18th centuries, around four million were consumed in the region itself.
    Mais informações sobre: + Boudry Castle
  • Cité du Temps

    The Cité du Temps – French for the City of Time – is nestled in the heart of Biel, the world's watchmaking capital. This special place entirely dedicated to time unites under one roof the playful, cheerful style of the brand Swatch and the luxurious character of Omega offering its visitors an opportunity to explore two different worlds of watchmaking represented in two museums: Omega Museum and Planet Swatch.
    Mais informações sobre: + Cité du Temps
  • Volunteering in Chasseral Nature Park

    The Swiss parks organise regular volunteering outings with companies that wish to do something for the environment with their employees. Fresh air is good for everyone – the company recovers motivated and enthusiastic co-workers that get together for a good cause, laugh, enjoy themselves and, at night, will fall straight asleep with a clear conscience.
    Mais informações sobre: + Volunteering in Chasseral Nature Park