All social programs em Região de Berna

11 Resultados encontrado

11 Resultados encontrado

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11 Resultados encontrado
  • Volunteering in the Diemtigtal Nature Park

    The Swiss parks organise regular volunteering outings with companies that wish to do something for the environment with their employees. Fresh air is good for everyone – the company recovers motivated and enthusiastic co-workers that get together for a good cause, laugh, enjoy themselves and, at night, will fall straight asleep with a clear conscience.
    Mais informações sobre: + Volunteering in the Diemtigtal Nature Park
  • Eiger North Face Adventure – Stollenloch

    Fully equipped with helmet and climbing harness, you will summon the courage to tackle the Eiger North Face under the expert instruction of our registered mountain guides. The train to Jungfraujoch makes a special stop at the “Stollenloch”.
    Mais informações sobre: + Eiger North Face Adventure – Stollenloch
  • Chillfood

    When outdoor kitchens pop up in quarries, on riverbanks or even on railway tracks and a menu is conjured up using flames, embers and regional ingredients, then “Chillfood” can’t be far away.
    Mais informações sobre: + Chillfood
  • Fondue making - outdoor kitchen

    The OUTDOOR team has found the most beautiful places in the Jungfrau region where you can hold an outdoor cooking event. Each cooking group will be provided on site with the cooking utensils needed for a fondue and a corresponding recipe for its preparation.
    Mais informações sobre: + Fondue making - outdoor kitchen
  • Volunteering in the Gantrisch Nature Park

    The Swiss parks organise regular volunteering outings with companies that wish to do something for the environment with their employees. Fresh air is good for everyone – the company recovers motivated and enthusiastic co-workers that get together for a good cause, laugh, enjoy themselves and, at night, will fall straight asleep with a clear conscience.
    Mais informações sobre: + Volunteering in the Gantrisch Nature Park
  • Flag Throwing

    The remarkable calmness that radiates from a Flag thrower as they effortlessly swirl their fluttering flags through the air belies the technical training of a professional Flag thrower, who has mastered 99 different ‘swings’, with both their left and right hands, whilst making it all look so incredibly easy...
    Mais informações sobre: + Flag Throwing
  • Guided Tour - Ballenberg Swiss Open-Air Museum

    At the Open-Air Museum Ballenberg you can explore over 100 historic buildings from all over Switzerland. What stories do these buildings tell? Try out old crafts, get up close and personal with our farm animals, browse through the specialty shops and stop off at the cozy restaurants.
    Mais informações sobre: + Guided Tour - Ballenberg Swiss Open-Air Museum