
Create and experience the proverbial "domino effect" with 110'000 dominos in all colours.

Experience cooperation creativity and fun all in one. Create a breathtaking DOMINO with 110´000 dominoes in all colours. Challenge yourself and try to find spectacular effects and stunning stunts. An experienced domino-assistant is coaching the teams and can assists with tips and tricks. The proverbial domino effect is spectacularly staged and culminates in an exciting finale. If required the entertaining domino-day can be adapted to specific didactic needs and go one step beyond a fun team event.

Informações gerais

Mostrar conteúdo Dados técnicos
Tempo necessário
De 2 a 4 horas
Adequado para

Informações sobre grupos e preços

Mostrar conteúdo Dados técnicos
Tamanho do grupo
10 - 600
Preço a partir de
CHF 30
