
The Romansch name “Mistail” comes from the Latin word “Monasterium” and means “monastery”. Mistail is just one of many historically significant churches in Parc Ela. Grand murals in four layers grace the inside of this beautiful church.

The former abbey church was built around the year 800 at the time of Charlemagne and is one of the oldest religious buildings in Switzerland. It belongs to part of a monastery that was desecrated back in 1154. 

In the 9th century, the entire church was painted. Now only small fragments of this initial layer still remain. The frescoes and paintings that are still visible today were likely done by a local artist around the year 1400.  

The church and former convent of St. Peter in Mistail lie on different ends of a small rocky plateau at the mouth of Schinschlucht Gorge.  

Why is it a power spot? 

Although this has not been scientifically proven, places of worship in the time before Christ and sacred buildings that were erected over places of worship have been deemed to have particularly positive powers. St. Peter’s church in Mistail is a peaceful place where everyone can come to gather strength and reflect, to better equip themselves for dealing with their everyday lives.  

Getting there: From the car park near the main road, take the turning to Alvaschein via a forest path; alternatively, it is just ten minutes from the Tiefencastel train station. . 

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Info- und Buchungsstelle Parc Ela
Stradung 11 / Im Bahnhof
7460  Savognin

Telefone  +41 (0)81 508 01 12
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Info- und Buchungsstelle Parc Ela
Stradung 11 / Im Bahnhof
7460 Savognin
Telefone  +41 (0)81 508 01 12
Mostrar rota

Informações de viagem: Alvaschein