Программы для групп в Люцерн – регион Люцернского озера

29 результатов найдено

29 результатов найдено

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29 результатов найдено
  • Ibex Safari

    Participants experience the ibexes on the Pilatus close up. These daring climbers have lived on Lucerne’s local mountain for over 50 years. Observing the colony is an unforgettable and impressive experience. Along the way, local and experienced experts explain fauna and flora, and in particular the Pilatus ibex colony.
    Find out more about: + Ibex Safari
  • KICKER fun – the table football tournament

    We’ll bring the football championship to you at your hotel, in your workplace or your favourite restaurant. But before the action on the pitch can begin, a little bit of mental work, creativity and skill is required beforehand.
    Find out more about: + KICKER fun – the table football tournament
  • Швейцарский музей транспорта

    Швейцарский музей транспорта в интерактивной форме знакомит своих посетителей с историей развития транспорта и средств связи. Помимо павильонов с экспозициями здесь работает кинотеатр формата IMAX, планетарий, огромная карта страны – «Швейцарская арена» – и музей Ханса Эрни.
    Find out more about: + Швейцарский музей транспорта
  • The power of silence

    Enrich your event with our knowledge and our competence in the areas of mindfulness, ethics, meditation and dialog between cultures and religions. Be it in the form of a Zen introduction, a lecture or a guided tour through Lassalle-Haus and the park. You can find the offer details here.
    Find out more about: + The power of silence
  • Eichhof brewery

    Eichhof is a proud beer of a proud region. Brewed in the heart of Switzerland. A beer that has been appreciated throughout the whole country for more than 180 years.
    Find out more about: + Eichhof brewery
  • Тур ChocoStudio на шоколадной фабрике Aeschbach Chocolatier

    На шоколадной фабрике с видом на гору Пилатус участники программы будут присутствовать при производстве шоколада в сопровождении сотрудников фабрики Aeschbach Chocolatier и смогут прикоснуться к секретам покрытия и украшения конфет шоколадной глазурью.
    Find out more about: + Тур ChocoStudio на шоколадной фабрике Aeschbach Chocolatier
  • Foxtrail – Puzzle fun in and around Lucerne

    In the Lucerne region, the scavenger hunt is available in and around the city of Lucerne, in Weggis-Vitznau, on the Klewenalp, and between Sarnen and Stansstad. The city of light and its surroundings attract not only tourists, but foxes too. Crack codes in the old town, solve puzzles in the surrounding area or decipher clues while surrounded by beautiful panoramic mountain views – there’s no chance of boredom here.
    Find out more about: + Foxtrail – Puzzle fun in and around Lucerne
  • Experience the magic of the KKL Lucerne

    KKL Luzern is a centre of sheer inspiration. A place where outstanding concerts come together with exquisite food and drink plus charming service to offer an overall experience to savour. There remains a fascination for the work of French architect Jean Nouvel – with over 500 events and more than half a million visitors per year underlining the great appeal of the venue.
    Find out more about: + Experience the magic of the KKL Lucerne
  • Gotthard Tunnel Experience

    Measuring 57 km in length, the Gotthard Base Tunnel is the longest railway tunnel in the world. On this guided tour, a window in the Amsteg access gallery permits a direct view of trains rushing by.
    Find out more about: + Gotthard Tunnel Experience
  • Alpine event

    Celebrate with your guests an unforgettable party. While in the kitchen the finest dishes are prepared, you enjoy the exciting and unconventional activities outside. «URCHIG» Event-Gasthof Kulmerau - the perfect place for memorable moments. "Urchig" means "traditional" in Swiss german.
    Find out more about: + Alpine event
  • "Tatort" murder mystery

    Immerse yourself in a story wit plenty of fun, games and excitement. Each mystery game tells a different story that puts you and your guests at the centre of the action.
    Find out more about: + "Tatort" murder mystery
  • Пилатус: золотой кольцевой тур

    Пилатус – «домашняя» гора Люцерна и знаменитая достопримечательность Центральной Швейцарии. Золотой кольцевой тур - Golden Roundtrip – позволяет попасть не только на вершину горы, но и открыть для себя другие интересные места горного массива. В этот кольцевой тур входят круиз на кораблике, поездки по зубчатой железной дороге и ультрасовременной канатной дороге Dragon Ride.
    Find out more about: + Пилатус: золотой кольцевой тур
  • Amazing Race Lucerne

    The Amazing Race is the first real-time photo rally! Over 50 photo missions are waiting to be solved. A healthy dose of exercise and challenge combined with lots of fun will create a unique digital team experience.
    Find out more about: + Amazing Race Lucerne
  • Зиттурм

    Башня Зит относится к девяти важнейшим укреплениям Люцерна. Два гиганта держат часы старинных часов на ее фасаде. А внутри располагается еще девять исторических башенных часов.
    Find out more about: + Зиттурм
  • Развлечения на Люцернском озере: лодки, каноэ, гребля

    Грести на озере, постоянно чувствуя свежий ветер в лицо, - настоящее удовольствие. Маршрут Сanoe Trail на Люцернском озере порадует и опытных гребцов, и начинающих любителей водного спорта. Это одновременно и приключение, и возможность расслабиться на природе.
    Find out more about: + Развлечения на Люцернском озере: лодки, каноэ, гребля
  • Golf lesson on Golf Sempach

    Discover the fascinating world of golf with your employees or customers. Under the qualified guidance of the experienced golf professionals, you will make your first tee-offs in a scenically beautiful location and be introduced to the secrets of golf.
    Find out more about: + Golf lesson on Golf Sempach
  • Titlis glacier excursion

    The excursion up to Titlis - the only accessible glacier in Central Switzerland - is a real treat. The gondola Titlis Express leads up to the intermediate station. Then Titlis Rotair, the World's first revolving cablecar, continues all the way to the top.
    Find out more about: + Titlis glacier excursion
  • Fondue Excursion - Sheer Nostalgia!

    Enjoy a memorable fondue party in the world`s oldest electric cogwheel railcar (built in 1911). Climb by moonlight up to 1.800 metres above sea level in this heated vintage carriage. The unique evening atmosphere on the mountain and the delicious Rigi chees fondue make for a perfect occaion.
    Find out more about: + Fondue Excursion - Sheer Nostalgia!