

Расположенный на территории парка, этот со вкусом модернизированный отель имеет давнюю историю. С XIX века он управляется со стилем и очарованием одной и той же семьей – сегодня уже в шестом поколении. Буквально в двух шагах роскошная Банхофштрассе, а из окон отеля – чаруют взор потрясающие виды на озеро и горы. Эксклюзивные номера и свиты, плюс два высококлассных ресторана, Pavillon (17 пунктов Го Мийо) и Rive Gauche.

Деловые встречи и мероприятия

The Baur au Lac can thank the discerning tastes of its guests for the leading position it has maintained in the international luxury hotel industry for more than 173 years. Set in its own park, the hotel enjoys a unique location overlooking the lake and the Alps – and yet it is just a few minutes’ walk from the Paradeplatz financial district and the Bahnhofstrasse, Zurich’s celebrated shopping high street. The rooms and suites have been equipped with every technical facility you can think of while still offering the ultimate in comfort, luxury and privacy.

This text is provided and updated by the owner of the accommodation. Switzerland Tourism therefore takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the content.

Свадебные торжества

After months of preparation, today is the culmination of all your anticipation, last-minute nerves and joy. Everything needs to be perfect and nothing should be left to chance. Trust the experienced experts at Baur au Lac, a hotel with one of the richest traditions in Switzerland.


The hotel offers 119 rooms, including 27 Junior Suites and 18 Suites, ranging between 25m2 and 100m2. Considerable emphasis has been placed on using the finest materials and creating a sense of spaciousness. The style of the rooms varies between Art Deco, Louis XVI and English Regency, along with some more contemporary touches.

Guests can strengthen body and soul with an energizing workout at the hotel’s fitness club, which enjoys a breathtaking view over the park, Lake Zurich and the Alps. Every possible requirement is catered for thanks to a host of services including a 24-hour concierge, a limousine service and an in-house florist.

As a member of Leading Hotels of the World and Swiss Deluxe Hotels, the Baur au Lac has been meeting the highest expectations for over 150 years.

Events information
The Baur au Lac can thank the discerning tastes of its guests for the leading position it has maintained in the international luxury hotel industry for more than 173 years. Set in its own park, the hotel enjoys a unique location overlooking the lake and the Alps – and yet it is just a few minutes’ walk from the Paradeplatz financial district and the Bahnhofstrasse, Zurich’s celebrated shopping high street. The rooms and suites have been equipped with every technical facility you can think of while still offering the ultimate in comfort, luxury and privacy.
Wedding information
After months of preparation, today is the culmination of all your anticipation, last-minute nerves and joy. Everything needs to be perfect and nothing should be left to chance. Trust the experienced experts at Baur au Lac, a hotel with one of the richest traditions in Switzerland.
A rich tradition and an exclusive atmosphere of well-being await guests at the Baur au Lac, situated in its own park in the heart of Zurich.

Luxury hotels

Побалуйте себя исключительной роскошью в этом великолепном городском отеле, недавно декорированным собственным флористом 1000 цветов, и расположенным в самом сердце Цюриха. Лимузин-сервис, бесплатный мини-бар, IT-дворецкий, беспроводная сеть, камердинер-парковщик – это всего лишь несколько услуг из множества других, оказываемых отелем. Элегантные номера и свиты, знаменитый винный магазин отеля, два высококлассных ресторана, шесть ультрасовременных залов для проведения конференций и банкетов.


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2-мест. номеров


Le Salon Francais

Concert 100
Seminar 32
Banquet 100
Room height
Area 137 m2
  • Free Wi-Fi available
  • Microphone not available
  • Projection facilities not available
  • Simultaneous translation equipment not available

Petit Palais

Concert 180
Seminar 70
Banquet 150
Room height
Area 206 m2
  • Free Wi-Fi available
  • Microphone not available
  • Projection facilities not available
  • Simultaneous translation equipment not available

Salon I

Concert 40
Seminar 35
Banquet 40
Room height
Area 88 m2
  • Free Wi-Fi available
  • Microphone not available
  • Projection facilities not available
  • Simultaneous translation equipment not available

Salon III

Concert 30
Seminar 18
Banquet 16
Room height
Area 57 m2
  • Free Wi-Fi available
  • Microphone not available
  • Projection facilities not available
  • Simultaneous translation equipment not available

Salon V & VI

Concert 30
Room height
Area 48 m2
  • Free Wi-Fi available
  • Microphone not available
  • Projection facilities not available
  • Simultaneous translation equipment not available

Удобства и услуги

  • Underground car park
  • E-Charging Station
  • Internet - free
  • Wi-Fi - free
  • Panoramic view
  • Bar
  • Terrace
  • Garden
  • Wheelchair Accessible
  • Non smoking hotel
  • Pets welcome


  • Gym
  • Whole body and partial body massage
  • Hairdresser

Способы оплаты

  • Maestro
  • Visa
  • Eurocard - Mastercard
  • JCB
  • Diners Club
  • American Express



Baur au Lac
Talstrasse 1
8001  Zürich

Phone  +41 (0)44 220 50 20
Fax +41 (0)44 220 50 44
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Регион Цюриха


Baur au Lac
Talstrasse 1
8001 Zürich
Телефон  +41 (0)44 220 50 20
Показать маршрут

Туристическая информация: Цюрих