
Comité Internationale de la Croix Rouge vu du ciel Cities





First-rate infrastructure and know-how in areas such as health, innovation, academia and diplomacy contribute to its excellent reputation. Geneva also boasts a strategic location, an efficient and free public transport network and an airport just 7 minutes by train from the city centre. Visitors also appreciate its natural setting and the fact that it is within walking distance. The entire team at the Convention Bureau will be happy to provide you with personalised advice.

Added Value

Geneva transport card - free public transport for hotel guests All guests staying in a Geneva hotel receive a card that allows them to use public transport in the city free of charge for the duration of their stay. The network includes buses, trams, trains and shuttle boats (Les Mouettes). Free public transport between hotels and Geneva Airport At the baggage reclaim area on the arrivals level of Geneva Airport, visitors can collect a free ticket valid for 80 minutes from the machine for a bus or train journey to Geneva. 


Sustainable by nature: As a major centre for green and socially responsible finance, Geneva is home to a large number of international organisations active in the sustainable development and environmental sectors. Geneva is also the first canton to implement Agenda 21, a United Nations action plan for sustainable development, at local level. Geneva ranks 5th in the world in terms of green space per inhabitant, and is an active member of the Global Destination Sustainability Index (GDSI), where it was ranked 31st in 2019. The clear waters of the lake are perfect for swimming, and the drinking water is also pure. The city also boasts the second-largest solar energy site in Switzerland.


GDS Sustainability



酒店 日内瓦

  • 贝尔格四季酒店(Four Seasons Hotel des Bergues) 5 Stars


    日内瓦, 日內瓦地區

    了解更多 日内瓦, 日內瓦地區 贝尔格四季酒店(Four Seasons Hotel des Bergues)
  • 文华东方酒店(Mandarin Oriental) 5 Stars


    日内瓦, 日內瓦地區

    了解更多 日内瓦, 日內瓦地區 文华东方酒店(Mandarin Oriental)
  • 美岸大酒店(Hôtel Beau-Rivage) 5 Stars


    日内瓦, 日內瓦地區

    了解更多 日内瓦, 日內瓦地區 美岸大酒店(Hôtel Beau-Rivage)
  • Hôtel N'vY 4 Stars

    日内瓦, 日內瓦地區

    了解更多 日内瓦, 日內瓦地區 Hôtel N'vY
  • La Réserve Genève Hotel & Spa 5 Stars


    Bellevue GE, 日內瓦地區

    了解更多 Bellevue GE, 日內瓦地區 La Réserve Genève Hotel & Spa

旅行信息: 日内瓦