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  • 莱森的奶酪商店

    查看更多: + 莱森的奶酪商店
  • 奶酪列车

    查看更多: + 奶酪列车
  • 11世纪的大教堂

    查看更多: + 11世纪的大教堂
  • Foxtrail – Puzzle fun in Western Switzerland

    In Western Switzerland, the scavenger hunt is available in Lausanne and Jura. The fox invites you to search for tricky clues in both the Olympic capital and the hilly Jura. Participants must have all their wits about them and use various means of transport to keep up with the fox.
    查看更多: + Foxtrail – Puzzle fun in Western Switzerland
  • 罗曼莫捷(Romainmôtier)修道院

    罗曼莫捷修道院(Abbey of Romainmôtier)和修道院长住邸,这些有着长达1000多年历史的教堂,无论是其中的壁画、坟墓、走廊还是哥特式的圆柱,这里的一切都在无声地诉说着信念和教堂在时间长河中所历经的沧桑改变。这一切同时也印证了这些建筑永恒的美丽。
    查看更多: + 罗曼莫捷(Romainmôtier)修道院
  • 圣母大教堂

    查看更多: + 圣母大教堂
  • 在冰川3000乘坐雪地巴士

    查看更多: + 在冰川3000乘坐雪地巴士
  • Husky sled ride on Col des Mosses

    Although the Col des Mosses is generally a favourite destination for cross-country skiers, it is also a great place to explore from the back of a husky sled. Speeding through the winter wonderland to the happy barking of dogs is an experience that you won’t readily forget!
    查看更多: + Husky sled ride on Col des Mosses
  • L'Isle 宫殿

    Versailles in miniature: this magnificent palace was built in 1696 by Charles de Chandieu, an officer in the French army, in the French classical style. You’ll see families of ducks enjoying themselves on the pond.
    查看更多: + L'Isle 宫殿
  • 用1马力滑雪

    查看更多: + 用1马力滑雪
  • Vullierens Castle

    Vullierens Castle, together with its magnificent gardens and sculpture park, constitutes one of Switzerland’s most remarkable heritage sites with a superb 180° view of the Alps, Mont Blanc and Lake Geneva.
    查看更多: + Vullierens Castle
  • 石灰岩洞穴——奥尔布地下河

    奥尔布河(River Orbe)长期的冲刷作用在沃州的瓦洛布小镇形成了仙女洞。这些洞穴形成了一系列复杂的洞室岩穴。往返旅行带您沿河领略地下景观,全程观看各种钟乳石、石笋、滴水石、石柱和各种奇观。
    查看更多: + 石灰岩洞穴——奥尔布地下河