全部社交互动项目 - Summer

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312 结果 发现
  • 阿勒河巡游

    查看更多: + 阿勒河巡游
  • 马焦雷湖巡游

    查看更多: + 马焦雷湖巡游
  • 乘火车游览葡萄园

    “葡萄园列车(Train des vignes)”沿着迷人的线路穿越拉沃台地的葡萄园,这片俯瞰日内瓦湖的葡萄园于2007年被联合国教科文组织确定为世界遗产地,游客在这里还可以眺望萨瓦和瓦莱州阿尔卑斯山的美景。
    查看更多: + 乘火车游览葡萄园
  • Magdalena隐士居所

    查看更多: + Magdalena隐士居所
  • Eiger Grand Prix

    Creativity, team spirit, and above all fun and a certain air of nostalgia are the essence of this very special ‘Grand Prix’. Teams are presented with a basic frame and various additional materials, and have to work together to produce a colourful, working Go-cart. The culmination of this intensive team-building phase is the Eiger Grand Prix in which the handmade ‘racing cars’ will take to the course, and where the spectators can appraise the cars on their appearance, cruise control, and of course, their ability to pass the chequered flag! An inspiring competition for teams with a passion for driving and a sense of adventure!
    查看更多: + Eiger Grand Prix
  • 苏黎世湖上的轮船

    查看更多: + 苏黎世湖上的轮船
  • Cheese Werkstatt

    In Zurich’s first city dairy, visitors gain an insight into this fascinating craft and even get to make their own Swiss cheese.
    查看更多: + Cheese Werkstatt
  • 耶根斯托夫城堡——伯尔尼的巴洛克珍宝

    查看更多: + 耶根斯托夫城堡——伯尔尼的巴洛克珍宝
  • 圣加仑修道院地区

    查看更多: + 圣加仑修道院地区
  • 高山化学和毒理学研究所

    The Alpine Foundation for Life Sciences is located in Olivone (Blenio valley). Their goal is to support, coordinate and promote education and research in the field of biosciences.
    查看更多: + 高山化学和毒理学研究所
  • 制表业历史上的辉煌时刻

    查看更多: + 制表业历史上的辉煌时刻
  • 塔马洛山—马里奥·博塔的礼拜堂

    明星建筑师马里奥·博塔在塔马洛山上建造了一个小教堂,在那儿可以欣赏广阔无垠的天空。这个全称为圣洁天使玛利亚教堂(Capella Santa Maria degli Angeli)的建筑中有当代画家恩佐·库奇的许多作品,是一个令人陶醉的地方。
    查看更多: + 塔马洛山—马里奥·博塔的礼拜堂
  • KICKER fun – the table football tournament

    We’ll bring the football championship to you at your hotel, in your workplace or your favourite restaurant. But before the action on the pitch can begin, a little bit of mental work, creativity and skill is required beforehand.
    查看更多: + KICKER fun – the table football tournament
  • Team Werkstatt

    A workshop away from the office is the ideal opportunity for coming up with new ideas and reviewing past activities.
    查看更多: + Team Werkstatt
  • 莱茵河巡游

    查看更多: + 莱茵河巡游